To Kill A Mockingbird

  • Summer 1932 Dill Arrives

    Page 8 - Dill arrives to Maycomb to visit his aunt every Summer.
  • August 9th 1932 Tom Robinson Accused Of Rape

    Page-17 Bob Ewell told sheriff Tate that Tom Robinson raped his daughter Mayella.
  • September 3rd 1932 Dill Leaves Maycomb

    Page-41 Dill said goodbye to Jem before he leaves to go back home.
  • September 10th 1932 Scout Goes To School

    Page-45 Scout goes to school with a dress on that she absolutely hates and gets into a fight once she gets there.
  • November 30th 1932 Knothole With Items Is Discovered

    Page-62 Jem discovers a shiny medal in the knothole.
  • End Off Summer

    Page 146 Atticus was holding Scout next to Jems bed.
  • Summer 1933 Trail For Tom Robinson Begins

    Page-98 Atticus is defending Tom Robinson in the trial elegedly saying Tom raped a Mayella.
  • July 1st 1933 Dill Returns To Maycomb

    Page-86 Jem and Scout found Dill under the house.
  • The Night Of The Trial Decison

    Page-98-122 The jury told if they thought Tom was innocent or guilty, they said guilty.
  • Shortly After TheJury

    Page-126 Atticus goes to Toms house and asks for Toms mother but his father was there, he told him that he was shot and died trying to escape.
  • Shortly After TheJury

    Page-126 Atticus goes to Toms house and asks for Toms mother but his father was there, he told him that he was shot and died trying to escape.
  • Shortly After The Jury Said He Was Guilty

    Page-126 Atticus goes to Toms house and asks for Toms mother but his father was there, he told him that he was shot and died trying to escape.
  • Summer Night

    Page-127 Bob Ewell goes Toms house and spits on Atticus but Atticus doesn't fight back.
  • September 22 Scout Falls Asleep Durring Play

    Page-131 Scout is at a pageand and falls asleep.
  • Saturday Night

    Page 144 Scout finally understood the sin of shooting a mockingbird.
  • Saturday Night

    Page-133 Jem and Scout are walking home and someone is stalking them
  • Saturday Night

    Page-136 Jem was injured badly and is unconscious while Jem is fine.
  • Saturday Night

    Page-138 Jem has a broken arm, and a ugly mark on the side of his face
  • Boo Radley Murders Bob Ewell

    Page-141 Boo Radley was the one who stabed Bob Ewell to protect Jem and Scount
  • Bob Ewell Dead

    Page-140 The tree were Jem was pushed and Scout was dragged lies Bob Ewell with a kitchen knife up under his ribs
  • Saturday Night

    Page-143 Sheriff Tate claimed a false death for Bob Ewell saying he fell on his own knife and killed himself.