To Kill a Mockingbird

  • Scout goes to school

    Scout goes to school and gets in trouble for beating up on Walter Cunningham, and the teacher tel;s her to stop letting her imagination go crazy
  • Dill comes to Maycomb County

    Dill visits Maycomb county, he is at his Aunts house and he becomes friends with Jem and Scout.
  • Dill Goes back home

    He finally learns his parents are worried about him so he heads home, Atticus encouraged him.
  • Jem and Scout find items in Boo Radleys tree

    They keep finding items such as gum coins, and a watch, They ask Atticus if the tree is dying, he says no
  • Dill returns once again

    Jem and Dill become good friends and hangout a lot, Scout starts hanging out with Miss Maudie
  • Jem and Scout leave Boo a letter

    They slide a note into the Radley house, as they run way they hear gunshots, Jem has to leave his pants behind because they got stuck on the fence.
  • Tom gets arrested

    Tom Robinson, gets arrested for alleged rape
  • Christmas Day

    Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson
  • Miss Maudie

    Miss Maudie's house burns down in the middle of the night, she gets out safe
  • Atticus shoots a rabid dog

    Everyone is ordered to stay inside because of a rabid dog, Atticus has one shot to kill the dog and he hits him, Calpurnia later tells Jem and Scout that he used to have the best shot in town
  • Jem reads to Ms. Dubose

    Jem is ordered to read to her every day, she falls asleep everyday but one day when Jem leaves, he finds out she passed away
  • Scout goes to Calpurnias Church

    Scout goes to her church which is for black people and at first the people there are confused, but she is later welcomed by Calpurnias brother
  • Jail

    The "Mob" goes to the jail and ties to hang tom Robinson but,coconut shows up and talks to Walter Cunninghams dad and they end up leaving
  • Jury

    Scout and Jem are at the trial, there are on the black person balcony
  • Verdict

    Despite what us as readers think and after all of Atticus's fighting, Tom Robinson is found guilty
  • Bob Ewell spits on Atticus

    Bob Ewell sees Atticus in town and he says he will get him even if it takes the rest of his life
  • The pageant

    Scout and Jem go to the pageant at school and Scout does her part, on their way back home they keep hearing noises when eventually someone grabs Jem and is wrestling with him, finally they escape in some unknown way
  • Boo Radley

    Boo Radley was revealed as the person who saved Jem and Scout on the night of the pageant.
  • Atticus accuses Jem

    Atticus thinks that Jem killed Bob but Heck Tate is arguing against Atticus
  • Boo and Scout

    Boo and scout go to visit Jem. Scout walks boo home