To kill a mockinbird

  • Jem and Scout meets Dill

    Jem and Scout meets Dill
    Scout and Jem meet Dill in the summer.He`s going on 7, and h lives with his Aunt.
  • School starts

    Scout has her first day at school. Her new teacher is not happy with her being able to read, she says her fahter has taught her wrong. Scout has to tell her teacher why Walter Cunningham wont accept her money, and ends up in a fight with him.
  • Jem invites Walter to dinner

    After inviting Walter Cunningham, Scout inslults him during the dinner, causing Calpernia to get furious.
  • Scout finds chewing gum

    Scout finds chewing gum in a oak tree close to Boo Radley`s house. Jem tells her to spit it out and gargle.
  • Jems turns 12 years old

  • Dill returns to Maycomb

    Dill returns to Maycomb for the summer
  • The children is acting out the life of Boo Radley

  • The children are stopped to ring Boo`s bell by Attocus

  • Dill asks Scout to marry him

  • The children peek in Boo`s window

    They run and Jem has to leave his pants. Boo Radley almost shot a negro. Later Jem runs back for his pants.
  • Scout stars in second grade

    The first day Ewell comes, but never comes back.
  • Scout and Jem finds two figures recembling them in the tree hole

  • Winter in Maycomb. Mrs Radley dies

  • Miss Maudie`s house is on fire

    Miss Maudie`s house is on fire
    Scout is wrapped with a blanked Boo Radley put around her, but she doesn`t even notice it.
  • Scout finds out Atticus is defending a negro

  • Uncle Jack vistits for christmas

  • Scout spends chrsitmas at aunt Alexandria with Francis

    Francis and Scout get in a fight because he says Atticus is defending a negro, and Scout gets blamed.
  • Atticus shoots a mad dog with rabies

  • Jem ruins Mrs. Dubose`s garden

  • Jem has to read for Mrs. Dubose for a month

  • Calpurnia brings Scout and Jem to her church

  • Aunt Alexandria comes to stay with Scout and Jem

  • Dill comes back for the summer

    He has travelled with a circus, and his aunt says he can stay in Maycomb for the summer
  • Scout and Jem follows Atticus and saves him outside the prison

  • Jem and Scout came to court and witnessed Tom Robinson being pleaded guilty

  • Scout`s serving at aunt Alexandria`s dinnerparty, and she attends

  • Atticus comes home telling Calpurnia Tom was shot in prison