Timothy Newbold

  • birth

    I was born on may 9, 2001. I was born in Eustis Florida.
  • swim

    I learned to swim at home and i was taught by my grandmother.
  • got a pet snake

    got a pet snake
    I got my first snake at the age of there it was a bold python.
  • little brother

    little brother
    i got my little brother .
  • learned how to ride a bike

    learned how to ride a bike
    I learned how to ride my first bike when i was 4 i was taught by my family.
  • snow

    i saw snow for the first time .
  • good grades

    good grades
    i got my first a on a report card.
  • go to the zoo

    go to the zoo
    i went to my first zoo for my birtday.
  • first phone

    first phone
    got my fisrt phone for my 8 bithday
  • first year of football

    first year of football
    my very first year of football with pads on it was very funny when i was hiting people for fun.
  • first motor

    first motor
    i got my frist my motorcycle on christmas day. when i was riding it was funny,fast and loud.
  • got new game system

    got new game system
    got me a new game sytem that was so fun when i played it.