timeline project

  • 1435

    linear perspective in drawing

     linear perspective in drawing
    Linear perspective drawing was done around 1415 by Filippo Brunelleschi, an Italian Renaissance architect whose work would later be documented by the writer and architect Leon Battista Alberti in 1435. Linear perspective drawing is a technique used to give a sense of depth when drawing on a plane. surface. This is a great find because it makes the drawing appear to be happening in real space and not on a flat surface.
  • 1450

    The printing press

    The printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg was the one who created the first printing press in all history, which allowed people to share knowledge more quickly. This is considered to be one of the most important inventions ever made because it improved the way society shared knowledge and evolved.
  • 1485

    The Birth of Venus

    The Birth of Venus
    Painted by Sandro Botticelli between 1482 and 1485, The Birth of Venus is probably one of the most famous paintings in the world for its references and meanings to antiquity.
  • 1491

    The Cencer

    The Cencer
    Created by Martin Schongauer, The Cencer was probably his most important painting and contributions to the Protestant Revolution era of art and also one of the most important artistic contributions of that time; This is due to the ralismo and the three-dimensionality that Martin Schongauer did when making The Cencer.
  • 1492

    The discovery of the Americas

    The discovery of the Americas
    In 1492, 1493, 1498, and 1502, the explorer Christopher Columbus conducted four voyages from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean. He was adamant about locating a straight water passage from Europe to Asia, but he was never successful. Instead, he found the Americas by accident.
  • 1504

    David marble sculpture by Michelangelo

    David marble sculpture by Michelangelo
    David, a marble sculpture executed between 1501 and 1504 by the Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo. The statue was made for one of the towers of the Florence Cathedral and was carved from a block of marble that was partially covered by other sculptures and left exposed.
  • 1517

    The 95 Theses

     The 95 Theses
    The 95 Theses was one of the main reasons the Protestant Reformation began. The beliefs of the 95 theses are mainly that; Human beings can attain salvation only by their faith and not by their actions and that the bible is the central religious authority.
  • 1519

    The Calvinism

    The Calvinism
    The theology of Calvinism was proposed by John Calvin, a Protestant reformer. The Calvinism is based on the supremacy of God and how we must follow the rules of the old and new testament.
  • 1535

    the first complete English translation of the Bible

    the first complete English translation of the Bible
    The first complete English translation of the Bible was made and published in 1535 by Myles Coverdale; And was the first one to contain the Old and New Testaments that were translated from the original Hebrew and Greek.
  • 1543

    Copernican heliocentrism

    Copernican heliocentrism
    The Copernican heliocentrism is an astronomical model developed by Nicolaus Copernicus that states that the earth not only revolves around the sun, but also rotates around its own axis on a daily basis. destroying the geocentric model elaborated by Ptolemy that prevailed during centuries, affirming that the earth was the center of the universe.
  • 1546

    The British Royal Navy

     The British Royal Navy
    The Royal Navy was created by one of the most famous kings in British history, Henry VIII. The Royal Navy was created as a means of keeping the peace in Britain's maritime lands, not only to ensure the safety of Britain itself, but also to secure its sea trade routes because it was the main way of earning revenue for the U.K.
  • 1563

    The Council of Trent

     The Council of Trent
    The official Roman Catholic response to the doctrinal issues raised by the Protestant Reformation was the Council of Trent. It helped to revive the Roman Catholic Church in the face of Protestant expansion by defining Catholic teaching and issuing broad self-reform directives.
  • The orbit of Mars

    The orbit of Mars
    In the book Astronomia nova, Kepler wrote about the first two of his three laws of planetary motion; In which Kepler talks about the orbit of Mars, stating that the orbit of Mars was an ellipse, which helped us better understand our place in the cosmos, discovering and further stating that there are more planets than stars in our galaxy.
  • Jupiter’s moons

     Jupiter’s moons
    Galileo made several very important contributions in the field of astronomy; Among which stands out the discovery of the moons of Jupiter, which he helped reaffirm the Copernican heliocentrism theory, seeing that Jupiter did not have a single satellite but 80. Reaffirming once again Copernican heliocentrism.
  • The Catholic Counter-Reformation

    The Catholic Counter-Reformation
    The Counter-Reformation helped to strengthen many Protestant doctrines, such as papal authority and the veneration of saints, and eliminated many of the abuses and problems that had originally inspired the Reformers, such as the sale of indulgences for the forgiveness of sins.