Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development and Birth

  • Conception

    I don't like to think about this.
  • Birth

    I was born on July 20, 1986. My mother was 29. I was born in St. Mary's hospital, my Dr's name was Dr Spiewak. I know this because there are pictures of my mom and I in the hospital wearing matching shirts with storks hatching on them that say 'Dr Spiewak really delivers!." I have no idea whether she had to pay for those or not.
  • Period: to

    The First Two Years

  • Psychosocial Event

    I am the first child on my mother's side of the family and will be the oldest of many.
  • Biosocial Event

    My mom thinks I have colic but it's really an umbilical hernia. I get an operation.
  • Cognitive Event

    I pulli on the refrigerator door and cry for "miggy" (milk).
  • Period: to

    The Play Years

  • Cognitive Event

    I "read" to my cat by making up stories to go with the pictures in my books.
  • Psychosocial Event

    My brother is born on the first day of Summer, I react by peeing on things.
  • Biosocial Event

    My parents get a new water bed and I swallow a tablet that's supposed to go inside thinking it's candy. It must have been pretty traumatic because I remember that day well. So do my parents.
  • Period: to

    The School Years

  • Biosocial Event

    Having difficulties socializing with children in class and paying attention. Diagnosed with ADHD. Refused to take medicine because I told my mom "I don't like the way it makes me feel."
  • Cognitive Event

    I'm reading everything I can get my hands on and have also started journaling. My handwriting is poor but I have good spelling and I try to slip my mother notes under her door everytime I get in trouble in hopes of debating my way out of it.
  • Psychosocial event

    My social life revolves around the children in our neighborhood. I am always arguing with the girl on the corner over who is going to marry the boy next door whose mother babysits us both. We are always staging pretend weddings behind each other's backs.
  • Period: to


  • Biosocial Event

    The hardest part about going to school is waking up early. I can remember getting imprints on my face from falling asleep at my desk.
  • Psychosocial Event

    My mother doesn't allow me to go over to my boyfriend's house and this is where all my friends hang out. This leads to ongoing arguments, me skipping school, and sneaking out through a two story window.
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • Biosocial Event

    I found out I was pregnant with my daughter when I was 19. It was an unplanned pregnancy and my parents were dissapointed and worried. I withdrew from my family and my friends during the pregnency and became reflective.
  • Cognitive Event

    I leave my parent's and move in to my first apartment with my daughter and boyfriend. While living together, I start to think my boyfriend may not be ready for this responsibility. I start to question my own actions and weigh the pros and cons for my boyfriend, my daughter, and myself. After a year I decide to move to another apartment with my daughter.
  • Psychosocial

    My life revolves around being a mother and a student. When I go to class I get anxious because it's hard for me to identitfy with anyone outside my role as a mother. At home, I feel guilty when my schoolwork overlaps my parental attentiveness. I still have yet to establish an identity outside of my responsibilities to my child.
  • Period: to


  • Cognitive Event

    As I grow older, I will gain more cystallized intelligence. My interests and vocation will probably determine what I learn about the most. Concepts that are more unfamiliar to me will be harder to learn.
  • Psychosocial Event

    My daughter will turn18 and I will be 37. I would like to get married and have another child before then. 37 seems too soon to have an empty nest. By this time, I hope to have an enjoyable career and have established my own identity.
  • Biosocial

    I will have to start paying better attention to my health and going for regular doctor's visits. Hopefully, I will have a job with good insurance. Signs of physical aging will start to appear which may be difficult for me at first. I may need to start exercising to stay healthy and fit.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

    Late Adulthood
  • Biosocial

    There will be no hiding that I'm old, so I will use it to my advantage. I will buy a lot of crazy wigs and mess with people in public. A lot of people ignore the elderly or think they're crazy so I'll get away crazy behavior. I remember my great uncle who used to babysit me took me in to Chuck E Cheese's with a take out pizza from Hungy Howie's and just sat there and ate it and nobody questioned him. I'll do a lot of that kind of thing.
  • Cognitive Event

    I wont be able to juggle as many tasks at once, but that's o.k. because I'll have less demands. I was surprised to find out that I will have better implicit than explicit memory.Maybe it will be easier for me stay organized and focused. I hope I don't get dementia.
  • Psychosocial

    I may babysit my grandchildren and spend time with my children once in awhile. Other than that I will be able to pursue all the things I never had time for because of all my demands. Unless I have a husband. This makes me want to think twice about marriage because I'm looking forward to my alone time. As long as my motor skills permit I would like to learn how to draw, paint, and create digital art. I have always loved to write so maybe I will publish something.

    The death calculator gave me 89 years. I would be happy to have 89 years. I may have a heart attack but I will probably fall. I might even choke.