
History of the Network

  • Cameras

    They were invented in 1816 Nicéphore Niépce. They used a very small camera of their own making and a piece of paper coated with silver chloride, which darkened where it was exposed to light.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Charles Babbage proposed the first computer. This contained an ALU, basic flow control, and punch cards. This was way before the internet, though.
  • Video Cassette Recorder

    Video Cassette Recorder
    VCR is a video recorder or video player and this was used as a form of entertainment for movies, shows, etc.
  • Video Games

    Video Games
    William Higinbotham created the first video game. It's a really simple tennis game, pong, but it was an inspiration to create more for some.
  • Packet Switching

    Packet Switching
    This was the first electronic device that gave the internet a "boost", some would say. It created ARPANET

    Though the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Project was created in the 1969 to make communication between different parts of earth for people easier, this couldn't have been made unless Packet Switching didn't exist in 1958.
  • Email

    The email was developed by Ray Tomlinson. A year later, it was improved to accommodate multiple people.
  • Network Processor

    Network Processor
    A Network Processor is all about the speed, memory, and browser's cache that contribute to the overall speed of your server. It boosts it. This was invented in Jan. 1st 1971
  • CDs

    CDs were the next big thing after cassettes in 1991. You can listen to music, play movies as well, etc. This was a big hit.
  • Spam

    Unsolicited email messages were sent out to over 600 Arpanet users by Gary Thuerk.
  • ISPs

    After the WWW, Internet Service Providers came through. This allowed access to multiple sites for the person behind their phone or computer.
  • World Wide Web Protocols

    World Wide Web Protocols
    This was written by Time Berners-Lee based on his proposal from a year before. Related to sites like HTML, HTTP, .COM, URLS, etc.
  • Search Engine

    Search Engine
    Archie was the first search engine to be created.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    This was the first web created to ever enter the internet world. Though there are better websites created now, WWW was a stepping stone and inspiration. It fully published in December 21 1991.
  • Amazon

    One of the most successful e-commerce companies. Amazon has extended technology and everything connected to it beyond its expectations. It is one of the most successful retailers.
  • VPNs

    A virtual private network that gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection.
  • WiFi

    WiFi is a facility allowing various devices to connect to the internet with one another wirelessly within a particular area. 'WaveLAN' are credited for inventing WiFi, since WiFi was under them.
  • Youtube

    A platform where you can watch videos of any kind on the internet on your device.
  • AdBlocker

    This was invented by Michael Gundlach, a developer in the US, and created it in 2009. This was created to block ads and to make browsing easier. Ex. youtube ads.
  • Windows

    Windows had become popular and most used by schools.