Fondo javerianacali 10

Timeline of my life

  • The birth of my brother Marco

    The birth of my brother Marco
    The birth of my brother was on June 28, 2001, he was born in the city of Cali and it was a beautiful moment for the whole family.
  • Trip to Argentina

    Trip to Argentina
    On December 01, 2016 we traveled with my parents and brother to know the country of Argentina, the most impressive place we met was the Iguazu Falls, is located on the border between Brazil and Argentina.
  • Job promotion.

    Job promotion.
    On August 1, 2020 they decided to give me a very important position in the company where I work, it was the result of a lot of effort and dedication.
  • Purchase of my first car.

    Purchase of my first car.
    I bought my first car on September 10, 2020. I achieved this triumph with the money I earned from my job, it was the car I had always dreamed of.
  • Engagement Luis and Alejandra

    Engagement Luis and Alejandra
    On March 20, 2021 was when I decided to make the most important proposal of my life, to marry the woman I love the most, my girlfriend Alejandra and I decided to unite for the rest of our lives.
  • Family Reunion.

    Family Reunion.
    The last family reunion we had was on May 15 to celebrate Mother's Day. The reunion was attended by all my family on my mother's and father's side and also by my future wife's family.