TImeline of lIfe

  • Birth

    The birth of a baby.
  • Period: to

    Trust v. Mistrust

    THis is where the child learns to truat or mistrust people based on the taking care of their basic needs. Birth to 1 year.
  • Period: to

    Preconventional moral(birth to 13)

    1. Obedience and punishment orientation (How can I avoid punishment?)
    2. Self-interest orientation (What's in it for me?) (Paying for a benefit)
  • Period: to


    The stage where the begin to explore things with their senses. Such as putting everything in their mouth.
  • Raise Head (2 months)

    THe baby can raise head to 45 degrees
  • Roll over(2.8 months)

    THe baby can rollover
  • Sit with Support(4 months)

    (4 Months)
  • Sit without Support(5.5 months)

    (5.5 months)
  • Pull to Standing position

    (7.6 months)
  • Develops attachment (8 months)

    Child develops attachment. can be either secure or insecure. When the mother leaves and the baby cries,, but when the mother comes back and the baby is consolable-thae attachment is secure. if the child is inconsolable both when the mother leaves and when she comes back, the attachment is insecure.
  • temperament(8 months)

    A child can have an easy, difficult or slow to warm up temperamtn. easy means that they are a happy baby and can easily fall into a routine. A difficult aby means that they are hard to get into a routine and don't like other people. a slow to warm up baby means that at first they might be wary of other people but they will eventually warm up to them.
  • Walk, holding furniture(9.2 months)

    THey can walk around holding onto furniture.
  • Crawling(10 Months)

    The baby can crawl around.
  • Stand Alone(11.5 Months)

    the baby can stand all by him/herself
  • Walk(12.1 months)

    The baby can walk
  • Period: to

    Autonomy v. Doubt and Shame

    Toddlers realize they can direct their own behavior. 1-3 years
  • Period: to

    Initiative v. Guilt

    Children are developing imagination, and sharing. They have to learn to control their behavior and take responsibility. 3-5 years.
  • Period: to

    Preoperational Stage(2-6)

    Child learns to use logic but not language. Egocentric.Cannot understand mass, volume, numbers. They also cannot see from another's point of view.
  • Period: to

    Industry v. Inferiority

    Children try to learn new skills, obtain new knowledge. 5-12 years
  • Period: to

    Concrete operational(9-12)

    Thinking logically about event. being able to complete mathematical equations.
  • Average age for girl's menarche(12)

    Girl get's first menstrual cycle. this includes breast budding, armpit hair, pubic hair, hips flare.
  • Period: to

    Identity v. Role Confusion

    Trying to learn who they are as a person. 13-18 years
  • average age of male first spermarche(13)

    The average age of a male's first ejaculation. physical changes-pubic hair, broader chest, voice gets deeper
  • Period: to

    COnventional moral(13-50)

    1. Interpersonal accord and conformity (Social norms) (The good boy/girl attitude)
    2. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation (Law and order morality)
  • Period: to

    cognitive changes (40-death)

    crystalized intellingence-ability to use skills, knowledge, and experience, incrceases with age
    fluid intelligence-think logically and solve problems in novel situations, independent of acquired knowledge, decreases with age
    memory starts to fade-unable to remember names or places
    dementia-a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.
    alzheimer's-progressive mental deteriorat
  • Period: to

    Intimacy v. Isolation(20's to 40's)

    Trying to form a close, committed relationship.
  • Average age of having 1st child(25.2)

    This is the average age by which most people have 1 child
  • Average age at which men marry(26.9)

    This is the average age at which most men are married
  • Average age at which women marry(27)

    THis is the age by which most women are married
  • Period: to

    Generativity v. Stagnation(40's to 60's)

    The challenge is to be creative, productive, and give back to the next generation.
  • Period: to

    Physical changes in middle and late adulthood(40-death)

    hair turns gray, get lots of wrinkles, body slows down
  • Period: to

    sensory problems in middle age(40-death)

    hearing worsens, sight worsens, smell worsens, muscles slow down,
  • midlife transition for women and men(43-44)

    stage that happens to many of us at some point (usually at about age 40, Midlife transition can include: Discontentment or boredom with life or with the lifestyle (including people and things) that have provided fulfillment for a long time.
  • Period: to

    Post conventional moral(50-death)

    Social contract orientation
    6. Universal ethical principles
    (Principled conscience)
  • average age of menopause in women(51)

    the ceasing of menstruation, Incapable of any more reproduction
  • Period: to

    Ego Integrity v. Despair(60s' to death)

    This person is trying to reach wisdom, tranquility, wholeness, and acceptance.