
timeline of Gabriela Solano Manrique

  • My birth

    My birth was on January 5, 2009 in La Merced clinic
  • My transition graduation

    My transitional graduation was on November 14, 2014 and I graduated from the Nazareth Mixed Gymnasium College
  • My first day at my new school

    On February 7, 2015, I went to the normal superior school "la hacienda" for the first time, I went crazy with the variety of animals and how big it was! I fell in love in a moment of school.
  • Moving to a new house

    I used to live in a house alone with my mom, my sister, my aunt, my uncle, my cousin and my grandparents after my mom got a job at school. I, my sister and my mother moved to an apartment near the school.
  • My grade from elementary to high school

    It was on November 15 at the school theater, I talked a lot with my classmates and we were all very elegant
  • The beginning of the virus and virtuality

    It was not so difficult for me to be at home but virtual classes were a bit strange because one was already accustomed to school where he talks and shares with his classmates.