Timeline Final Project!

By ea9313
  • Prenatal Development and Birth

  • Biosocial:

    I took my first steps at 10 months.
  • Cognitive:

    By this time, I was speaking pretty fluently. Making sentences, and making my own decisions (for being an 18 month old).
  • Psychosocial:

    My biggest psychosocial moment at this time was when I was about two years old, and my Mom took me to Meijers. There was a doll there that I wanted so badly, and she wouldn't let me get it. I screamed and cried through the whole store until my Mom finally left, and to this day she still refuses to go to Meijer.
  • The First Two Years

  • Biosocial:

    When I was three years old, I was able to ride my own tricycle all by myself. After practicing for a long time, I was finally able to do it.
  • Cognitive:

    This was the time when I was constantly asking why. I wanted to know everything! And I was so proud to share all of my knowledge. At Christmas, I ran up to my Grandma and Grandpa and told them that I knew what private parts both boys and girls had!
  • Psychosocial

    At this age, I was going on 6, and my little brother was going on 3, and we loved to pick on each other. We fought a lot more growing up, but neither of us liked to share our toys.
  • The Play Years

  • Biosocial:

    Seven years old, and I was playing many sports. I had finally acquired the hand-eye coordination needed to do them. I was in gymnastics, softball, dance, swim classes, and others. This summer is also when I decided to play ice hockey.
  • Cognitive:

    At 9 years old, I was starting to get more major assignments in school. Book reports, projects, etc. I had to think a lot more, remember a lot more, and keep up with all of it.
  • Psychosocial

    At this age, I had a few good friends, and a lot of not-so-good friends. My best friend, had been my best friend since we were three, and that never went away. No matter how bad our days were, we always made each other feel better.
  • The School Years

  • Biosocial:

    This is the age that my insecurities began to surface. I realized that I was slightly bigger than the rest of my friends, and I started to get self-conscious about it. While all my other friends were complaining about their minor insecurities, mine seemed to be a bigger problem.
  • Cognitive:

    This is when ego began to come out. I thought I was right all of the time. I was never wrong, no matter what. My parents coulnd't stand it! They basically needed evidence for me to finally agree that I was wrong. This trait is something that has somewhat stuck by me, however I'm not so stubborn unless I know I'm right (:
  • Psychosocial

    Sixteen was when I started getting attention from boys. Slightly later than my other friends, but I was okay with it. I had my first real boyfriend at this age, and we've been on and off for four years now.
  • Adolecence

  • Biosocial:

    This is when I will be applying for Graduate school. Since I was about 12, I've had my heart set on Physical Therapy, and after working my butt off for 3 years to get all of my pre-reqs done early, I will be applying this fall.
  • Cognitive

    This age, I'll be getting closer to graduating, hopefully. (: . I am hoping that college will still not have much of an effect on me. I have never been the partying type, and I think it also helped that I don't live on campus. I work a lot, but school is my first priority, and in my limited downtime, I spend it where it's important.
  • Psychosocial

    This is the age where I am hoping to be settling down. Although it is quite earlier than my parents did, I have a plan. My parents only had two kids, even though both of them came from families of 4 children. I want to have more than two children, like their parents did, and for that I feel I need to start younger.
  • Emerging Adulthood

  • Biosocial:

    At thirty, I'm hoping to be working full time, and raising my children. Hopefully, I'll be making what I had hoped, and will be happy with my lifestyle.
  • Cognitive

    At forty, I hope to have my kids be in their adolescent years. I'll still be working full time, and i'll be saving for my retirement fund. I'll be planning for the future and still enjoying the present.
  • Psychosocial

    I'll be going on fifty here. At this age, I'm hoping to have welcomed some grandchildren into the world. I will still be working, still be doing what I can to save for my future, and help with my children and grandchildren.
  • Adulthood

  • Biosocial

    At 60, I'm hoping to begin the retirement process. I would like to stop working around 60-65. Hopefully my grandchildren will be healthy and getting older. I hope my kids are all grown up, healthy and happy. But at this point, I will have worked for about 40 years as a Physical Therapist, and ten years prior to that doing other various jobs. I think I can be done(: hopefully.
  • Cognitive

    At seventy, I'm hoping to be fully retired, and I hope that my husband will be retired as well. I would like to have a small house, and just enjoy the rest of my life. Take some trips, and just spend time together.
  • Psychosocial

  • Late Adulthood

  • Death and Dying

    I'm not quite sure why I chose this date, I just want to make sure I have lived a full life. I think I also may have chose this day subconsciously because it is far from anyone's birthday that is in my life right now.