

  • Sep 7, 1440

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann Gutenberg
    Johann invented the printing in moveable type. His invention sparked the spread of technical knowledge. This invention also created a communications revolution. Sea Captains began publishing their findings as soon as they returned, causing more people to be interested in the opportunities in the New World.
  • Feb 1, 1492


    During the Reconquista anyone who was not of the Catholic faith was driven out of the country. This was a reunification of Spain. It is significant because the Iberian Peninsula was used to conquer other lands.
  • Mar 9, 1493

    Encomienda System

    Encomienda System
    The Encomienda System was a system in which the monarch would reward the leaders of a conquest with Indian villages. The people in the villages would provide the leaders with labor in exchange for legal protection. However, in the end the Encomienda System exploited the Indians. This economic structure helped contribute to colonization by transforming into a frontier of settlement.
  • Oct 10, 1493


    Christopher Columubus was a man who was obsessed with the idea of voyaging. He contributed greatly to the colonization and exploration of the Americas. In 1493 Columbus sailed to find new land and he unified Africa, Europe, and America.
  • Nov 8, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the world along the line located 270 leagues west of the Azores. This meant that any new land west of the line belonged to Spain. This treaty was meant to discourage the English, Dutch, and French from adventuring into the new world. However, the treaty failed to do so. This lead to further colonization by different groups of people.
  • Nov 9, 1497

    John Cabbot

    John Cabbot
    John Cabbot was a Venetian sea captain. He was the first to complete the transatlantic voyage by an English ship. John was trying to find a northwest passage to Asia. This helped in colonization because it established England's claim to American Territory.
  • Sep 7, 1508

    Sebastian Cabbot

    Sebastian Cabbot
    Sebastian Cabot was John Cabot's son. After John died, Samuel continued his father's exploration in the Hudson Bay. This sparked a curiousness in the waning interest in New World exploration. This is significant because it helped recognize England's claim to the American territory.
  • Dec 7, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    The Protestant Reformation was the changing kof the national church in England. King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife. In order to do that he had to leave the Catholic church. Because he left the church, now the church did not have an allegiance with the king.Elizabeth took the crown wanting nothing to do with the Catholic church. The pope declared her illigitamate. Elizabeth stuck to the Protestant doctrine. This is significant becasue it had a huge effect on economic development.
  • Roanoke

    This was a failed settlement. Explorers sailed there thinking it was the most plentiful, and fruitfull place int he whole world. This place turned out to be the exact opposite. The significance of Roanoke is that the people who visited the colony later learned from the dead colonists mistake. Thus making future colonization more successful.
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada severed any communication between England and America. This was a major role in the failure of Roanoke. This is significant in colonization because if the Spanish Armada had not intervined, colonization would have begun earlier than it did.
  • Richard Hakluyt

    Richard Hakluyt
    Richard Hakluyt was a man who publicized the events happening in the New World. He would interview captains and sailors once they returned from their voyages. Richard is significant because if it werent for Richard, the dream of American coklonization might have died.
  • Slave Trade

    Slave Trade
    The slave trade started when the Porteguese sailed to Africa in search of gold and slaves. A slave would be traded for local African currencies. The slaves were usually men or women taken as prisoners during war. The significance in this was that it populated the New World tremendously. Slaves also were the ones planting and harvesting the cash crops in America.
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown, Virginia
    This colony was located in Virginia. It was created by the Virginia Company which was the First Joint-Stock company. The colonists who founded Jamestown were in search of quick wealth. The environment was very harsh. There were many diseases and there was no fresh drinking water. The main concern for the colonists was a surprise attack from the Spanish. The main reason for the success of the colony was because of John Smith.
  • Quebec

    Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain. In Quebec the Natives were seen not as an obstacles, but economic parteners. This helped in colonization by easing the route of civilization instead of complicating it, like the English did.
  • New York

    New York
    This colony was founded by James. James was the Duke of York. He was given a charter by his brother for a large amount of land. His brother was Charles II. The main concern for the colony was money.
  • Plymouth

    Landing in Plymouth was an accident. Colonists were supposed to land in Virginia. This colony was created by Pilgrims, or Separtists. They believed the Church of England was too Catholic. This colony was the one that the Mayflower Compact, their form of government, was created. The reason the colonists came was to find religious tolerance. Squanto and William Bradford made sure colony survived.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    John Mason founded this colony. Originally this was apart of the Massachusettes Bay. In 1677 it became a separate colony. This colony slowly became dependant on Massachusettes for its agriculture.
  • Massachusettes

    In 1630 John Withrop led Puritans to Massachusettes. The settlers came as family units. The main people who settled were Puritans for religious reasons. There was a very religious woman who began to preach her ways. Her name was Anne Hutchinson. She offended many people in the colony and that lead to her exile. Anyone who followed in her footsteps was exiled as well.
  • Maryland

    This colony was founded by Sir. George Calvert. The reason for founding was to use it as a refuge for Catholics. In the beginning both Protestants and Catholics could tolerate eachother. However, in 1655 the Protestants took control of the colony.
  • Connecticuit

    The first English settlers were in 1633 by Thomas Hooker.They were Puritans that left Massachusettes. This was where the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were. These Orders of Connecticut were a lay out fot a plan of the civil government.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    This was a colony of religious exhiles from Massachusettes. One person who came to Rhode Island was Roger Williams. Williams founded it in 1636. Following Williams was Anne Hutchinson and her followers.
  • Carolinas

    The Carolinas were used to send children to maintain social status because of the over populating Barbados. The Carolinas were very similar to the colonies of Virginia and Maryland.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    This was an armed rebellion in Virginia that was led by Nathaniel Bacon against the colony's royal governor Sir William Berkeley. Bacon wanted to gain a larger share of the lucrative Indian Trade.
  • Pennsylvania

    This colony was founded by a Quaker. His name was William Penn. This colony was used for Quackers to live. Pennsylvania became very diverse because of the acceptance of the Quakers to other religions or culture views.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    This was a British law set by parliament. It followed the Glorious Revolution. The English Bill of Rights established a constitutional monarchy in Great Britain. There were many things written and one of them was to have free elections and no laws should be passed without consent of parliament.
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    This was the spreading of religion. The First Great Awakening lasted until the 1740's. Because of this event there were many revivals being hled iin the streets. Johnathan Edwards and George Whitfield were very important in this event. Johnathan brought in many new young people, but could not lead them; that's where George came in. Benjamin Franklin also helped because he funded them.
  • French and Indian War (Seven Years War)

    French and Indian War (Seven Years War)
    This war was fought between the French and the English. The conflict was who would have control over the Mississippi, and Ohio River Valley, and the Great Lakes. The war was over in 1763. The English won and the English were left with tons of war debt. This caused a controversy because the English thought the colonists should pay for the war. "You're welcome you're not French".
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act revised duties on sugar, coffee, tea, wine, and other imports. It expanded jursidiction of vice admiralty courts. It was significant because the act required colonists to produce revenue for the British Army. It made sugar cheaper, however the social contract was violated.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act printed documents, issued only on special stamped paper purchased from stamp distributers. This act signified the insensitivity of parliament. The colonists also feared the unemployment and pverty that came with the act.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This act made colonists supply British troops with housing and other items. This signifies more taxation without representation. This also showed another way the colonists' social contract was violated.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    This was the first intercolonial gathering since the Albany Congress of 1754. It was an oppurtunity to discuss common problems. This was significant because it allowed for petitions to be made against the Stamp Act, yet they were ultimately ignored. This was another example of Britain doing wrong to the colonists.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    In this act Parliament declares its soveriegnty over the colonies "in all cases whatsoever". This showed the parliamentary supremacy over Americans. This was another example of taxation without representation.
  • Townshend Revenue Act

    Townshend Revenue Act
    There were new duties on glass, lead, paper, paints, and tea. This is significant because it caused the colonists to boycott. 92-17 was the ending vote, and therefore the number 92 became a symbol of patriotism.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This was caused by a crowd of peopled antagonizing a group of British soldiers. The soldiers became confused and shot, killing 5 Americans. This event was significant because it fueled the want to rebel against Britain. Fellow Americans were horrified and the event was all over news articles.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    This act was a way for parliament to give the East India Company the right to sell tea directly to Americans. This made the tea cheaper. This act was to save the East India Company.
  • Georgia

    Very few people settled in Georgia. The reason for establishing this colony was to discourage Spanish expansion.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a group of men that dressed up as indians and boarded ships, dumping 320 chests of tea overboard.This was significant becuase this event caused the British parliament to pass the Coercive Acts.
  • Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts

    Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts
    This act closes the port of Boston. It also restructures Massachusettes government. It restricts town meetings. It put troops in Boston and sent criminals to Canada for trial. This was significatnt because it made colonists view the acts as if Britain wanted to enslave American people.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    This event included 55 delegates from 12 colonies who discussed the matters of rebellion against Britain. This is significant because from this came the "Association", an agreement to halt all commerce with Britain until parliament repealed the Intolerable acts.
  • Shot heard 'round the world

    Shot heard 'round the world
    This was the first shot fired in the American Revolution. It was a battle between the colkonists and Britain. This is significant becuase it began the American Revolution.
  • Battle in Lexington

    Battle in Lexington
    At this battle the terrain was so bad, it was impossible. This battle was significant to the Revolution because the mistaken gunshot that was fired by the redcoats killed 8 American men.
  • Battle at Concord

    Battle at Concord
    The terrain was impossible. This was significant to the Revolution because it marked the outbreak of open armed conflict.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    This was the second meeting of the same 55 delegates to once again discuss the rebellion against Britain. This is significant becasue it created a continental army for defense. Later, it was declared that Americans would rebel against Britain.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    This was a petition that confirmed the American loyalty to Britain. This was only to prevent conflict with the king. This was significant because colonists were forced to be loyal to Britain.
  • Prohibitory Act

    Prohibitory Act
    This act declared the British intention to coerce Americans into submission. It set an embargo on American goods. This was significant because America was no longer able to trade with the rest of the world. This cause slaves to take up arms against their masters.
  • Parlliamentary Supremacy

    Parlliamentary Supremacy
    This was the idea that parliament was supreme. This was significant because it caused the colonists to see parliament as a big threat.
  • Battle at Trenton

    Battle at Trenton
    The weather was hazardous. This battle was significant because it inspired the soldiers to serve longer, even though they were on the verge of collapse. It also put a spark in others to jooin the soldiers and be recruited.
  • Germantown/Valley Forge

    Germantown/Valley Forge
    The terrain was deep in the woods, and fog-covered. The camp was filled with diseases. This was significant because the Americans surrendered at the last minute and settled in Valley Forge. This was the place that 2500 American soldiers died of disease.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    This was a book taht became an instant best-seller within 3 months of its release. It emphasized on government and how it worked. This was important becuase it motivated colonists to revolt against Britain. It also enlightened many on the fact that Britain's government did them wrong.
  • Saratoga, Second Battle

    Saratoga, Second Battle
    This battle was deep in the woods. This was significatn because at this battle Burgoyne was forcced to surrender 5800 men to the American General, Horatio Gates.
  • Kings Mountain

    Kings Mountain
    This battle took place across the Carolinas. This was significant because the backwoods men decimated the British regulars. This was the most vicious battle of the Revolution.
  • Battle at Yorktown

    Battle at Yorktown
    This battle took place in a sleepy tobacco market located on a peninsula bounded by York and James Rivers. This was significant because Cornwallis surrendered his entire army of 6000 men. The task of securing the independence of the colonies was now forseeable.