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Timeline Created by Miguel Delgado Using Timetoast

  • Benjamin Frankilnetablished first Hospital

    Benjamin Frankilnetablished first Hospital
    Benjamin Franklin was one of the leaders in the movement to establish the nation's first hospital, now known as Pennsylvania Hospital, in Philadelphia in 1752. Mr. Franklin served as a secretary of the hospital and many of its earliest records, listing patients' names, addresses, disorders, and dates of admission and discharge are in his handwriting.
    Froman's and Napier's casebooks are probably the most extensive surviving set of medical records from before 1700
  • Tabuleting Machine (Hollerith)

  • American Health Information Management Association was founded

    American Health Information Management Association was founded
    In 1928 American Health Information Management Association(AHIMA) was founded to improve health record quality, AHIMA has played a leadership role in the effective management of health data and medical records needed to deliver quality healthcare to the public. Today it remains a premier organization for Health Information Management Professionals. AHIMA, 2013.
  • American Documentation Institute (ADI)

  • Numerical Intergrator and Computer(ENIAC)

  • ARLNA changed to American Association of Medical Record Librarians (AAMRL)

  • Royal Society of Great Britain ( indexing and data distribution

  • Gustav Wager formed the first health informatics in Germany

    Gustav Wager formed the first health informatics in Germany
    This organization provided the foundation needed to promote the use of informatics in the healthcare delivery system.
  • Begginning of use of computers in healthcare,

    Begginning of use of computers in healthcare,
    Medical informatics was introduced to the US.
    Dental projects began to use for medicine.
    Introduction of expert systems such sd MYCIN and Internist-I introduced
  • MUMPS ( Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multy-Programming System) was developed in the 1960's

    MUMPS ( Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multy-Programming System) was developed in the 1960's
    Larry Weed introduced the concept of problem Oriented Medical records into medical practice. Until then, doctor's usually recorded only their diagnoses and the treatment they provided. Weed's innovation was to generate a record that would allow a third party to independently verify the diagnosis.
  • Computer Applications in the behavioral Sciences by Harold Broko

  • First Department of Computer Sciences at Purdue University

  • The First Text book about information as a science

  • National Library of Medicine(NLM) begin using MEDLARS to create medical indexus

  • The term informatic was established ( A. I. Mikhailow)

  • American Medical Association (AMA) formed a committe on computers in medicine

  • Henry Edward "ED" Roberts founded Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems.

    Henry Edward "ED" Roberts founded Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems.
    He developed the Altair 8800, which is credited with being the world's first personal computer. The first PC inspired Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen to write their first piece of software.
  • Ledley invented the computed tomography (CT) scanner

  • Computer-aided medical information system (MIS)

  • NLM online access to MEDLINE

  • Computers and Medicine Journal by American Medical Association

  • NLM provided training and development for physicians on computer science

  • State Univesity of New York at Buffalo offers first computer-related course in nursing program

  • Personal Computer Emerged

  • Growth of Biomedical and Health Informatics

    Growth of Biomedical and Health Informatics
    Efforts of cost containment continued standardization of medical practice, children began using computers in school.
  • Computer Informatics Nursing Journal was created

  • The first journal article using the term Nursing Informatics (NI)

  • HMSS and AHA became the HIMMS

  • Expansion of the World Wide Web and hyperlinks,

    Expansion of the World Wide Web and hyperlinks,
    Consumer emphasis and consumer satisfaction.
    Public Health Informatics was introduced to apply the use of technology and information in the area of public health for surveillance, reporting, and promoting good health options.
  • AAMRL cahnge name to AHIMA

  • President Buch pushes for Electronic Helath Records for everyone in 2014

    President Buch pushes for Electronic Helath Records for everyone in 2014
  • HITECH act established

  • ANIA-CARING was created and became ANIA

  • Office of the National Coordinator for Helath IT, and CCHIT are established