Computer history

the story of how the computer has evolved

By ims1lly
  • Pascalina

    Blaise Pascal invented pascalina, in which he used´ten-tooth´wheels in which each of the teeth represented a number from 0 to 9, it was used to equal and subtract.
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz improved the pascalina and invented another that was to multiply
  • Analytical machine

    Analytical machine
    Charles Babbage designed and tried to invent the first computer, with mechanical operation.
  • Tabulating machine

    Tabulating machine
    Herman Hollerith invented to make some ideas for Babbage. Hollerith later founded the company that later became IBM.
  • Z1

    Konrad Zuse completes the Z1, the first computer that can be considered as a computer. Electromechanical in operation and using relays, it was programmable and used a binary system and Boolean logic. There were also the improved models Z2, Z3 and Z4.
  • Harvard Mark 1

    Harvard Mark 1
    The IBM company builds the electromagnetic computer also called Harvard Mark I, designed by a team led by Howard H. Aiken. It was the first computer created in the USA.

    They are built in England with the aim of deciphering the communications of the military during World War II.
  • Electronic numerical integrator and calculator

    Electronic numerical integrator and calculator
    The ENIAC was built at the University of Pennsylvania, which operated on valves and was the first general-purpose electronic computer.
  • Electronic discrete variable automatic computer

    Electronic  discrete variable automatic computer
    John von Neumann, the difference with the ENIAC is that it was not decimal, but binary, it had the first program designed to have storage, it was one of the first electronic things.
  • IBM 650.

    IBM 650.
    IBM manufactures its first industrial-scale computer, the IBM 650. The use of assembly language for computer programming is expanded. Transistor computers replace tube computers, marking the beginning of the second generation of computers.
  • Nicolette 1080

    Nicolette 1080
    Nicolette Instruments Corp. is a computer for scientific use with 20-bit registers, whose versatility for the calculation of the Fast Fourier Transformation gives it great acceptance in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
  • Microsoft

    Paul Alen and Bill Gates found Microsoft.
  • apple

    Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula, and a few other friends found Apple.
  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    The IBM PC is launched, which can become a commercial success, mark a revolution in the field of personal computing and define new standards.
  • Arpanet

    ARPANET is separated from the military network that created it, passing to a civilian use and becoming the origin of the Internet
  • Atenea

    In the 1984 National Electronic and Informatics Plan, the ministry invested 4,777 million pesetas for the years 1985-89,being distributed in different groups. Five computers and a printer will be delivered to managers in the first year, and another five the next. Around 4,500 computers were distributed from the start of the project until 1992.

    Tim Berners-Lee invents hypertext to create the World Wide Web (www), a new way of interacting with the Internet.
  • Linux

    Linus Torvalds began developing Linux, a Unix-compatible operating system.
  • PowerBook

    Apple redesigned its portable computers and launched the PowerBook. Three different models offered various features.

    The European Congress on Information Technologies in Education was held in Barcelona. . The multimedia CD-ROM was the star of the teaching staff. In the 90s, different educational multimedia materials appeared by publishers such as: Zeta Multimedia and Anaya Interactiva. Another benchmark of the decade of the appearance of the Internet, was the introduction to educational centers, in just 5 years after being a product of minorities in mass technology, transforming teaching in schools.
  • Sony's Vaio

     Sony's Vaio
    Sony's Vaio was a new line of computers that offered a new three-dimensional interface. Sony discontinued the Vaio in 2014.
  • PDA

    Pocket computers appear at the beginning of the 21st century, the first PDAs
  • USB Flash drive

    USB Flash drive
    USB Flash drives is created.

  • Plan advances

    Plan advances
    aims to promote access to the Information Society and from the educational environment. It has an investment of 272 million euros, co-financed by (Ministry of Industry), the Autonomous Communities, and the Ministry of Education and Science. It is aimed at 17,500 teaching centers, 420,000 teachers and 5,400,000 Primary, ESO, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training students.
  • Iphone

    the first iPhone, from the Apple company, a smartphone
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    he MacBook Air hit stores, featuring many new capabilities. Apple succeeded in reducing the overall size of the unit by making the hard drive smaller.
  • apple

    Apple released the first iPad. This mobile device offered a larger screen without phone capabilities.
  • plan advange 2

    plan advange 2
    This second phase gave continuity to the Avanza Plan, incorporating the actions and updating its initial objectives to adapt them to the new challenges of the Network Society. Avanza 2 Plan centralized its efforts in achieving the following 10 objectives to facilitate the overcoming of the challenges defined: -Promote innovative ICT processes in Public Administrations. -Extend the use of business ICT solutions in the company. -etc .. Develop green ICT.
  • Chroomebook

    Google releases the Chromebook, a laptop that runs on Google Chrome OS
  • the Nest Learning Thermostat

    the Nest Learning Thermostat
    Also in 2011, the Nest Learning Thermostat emerges as one of the first Internet of Things, allowing for remote access to a user’s home thermostat by use of their smartphone or tablet. It also sent monthly power consumption reports to help customers save on energy bills.
  • facebook and instagram

    facebook and instagram
    On October 4, Facebook hits 1 billion users, as well as acquires the image-sharing social networking application Instagram.
  • Raspberry Pi

    Raspberry Pi
    the Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized single-board computer is released, weighing only 45 grams.
  • Apple pay

    Apple pay
    the Apple Pay mobile payment system is introduced.
  • The University of Michigan Micro Mote

    The University of Michigan Micro Mote
    The University of Michigan Micro Mote (M3), the smallest computer in the world, is created. Three types were made available, two of which measured either temperature or pressure, and one that could take images
  • Apple

    Apple releases the Apple Watch, which incorporated Apple’s iOS operating system and sensors for environmental and health monitoring. Almost a million units were sold on the day of its release. This release was followed closely by Microsoft announcing Windows 10.
  • Quantum computer

    Quantum computer
    The first reprogrammable quantum computer is created.
  • iPad´s

    Apple announces iPadOS, the iPad's very own operating system, to better support the device as it becomes more like a computer and less like a mobile device.
  • Period: to

    what will happen?

    they say they are planning some technological improvements