
timeline check-in

  • 1399

    renaissance begins

  • 1419

    prince henrys navigation school founded

  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

  • 1490

    columbus discovers america

  • 1498

    vasco de gama finds water route around the tip of africa

  • 1503

    Michelangelos David

  • 1503

    erasmus prasie of the folly published

  • 1509

    mona lisa finished

  • Oct 31, 1515

    95 thesis nailed to the door

  • 1520

    Peak of Ottoman Empire

  • Apr 17, 1520

    martin luther put on trial at the diet of worms

  • 1521

    cortez conquers the aztecs

  • 1522

    magellan circumnavigates the globe

  • 1524

    Start of mungal empire

  • 1528

    tobacco intruduced to europe

    tobacco intruduced to europe
  • 1531

    pissarro conquerors the incas

  • 1543

    copernicus heliocentric theory published

    copernicus heliocentric theory published
  • 1562

    concil of trent

    concil of trent
  • defeat of the spanish armada

  • galileos first telescope bulit

    galileos first telescope bulit
  • shakespeares play julius caesar published

  • william harvey dicoverd circulation of blood

    william harvey dicoverd circulation of blood
  • taj mahal is bulit

  • newtons laws of gravity published in the principia

    newtons laws of gravity published in the principia
  • anglican church started