
The Whipping Boy- Mateo Gonzalez

  • Chapter 1-In which we deserve a hair-raising event

    Chapter 1-In which we deserve a hair-raising event
    The whipping boy got wipped because Prince Brat tide the wigs to the back the oak chairs.
  • Chapter 2- Wherein the prince can not write his name

    Since the prince is not forced to learn, Jemmy, writes the prince's name for him.
  • Chaper 3- the runaways

    The prince runs away from home, because he is bored. Jemmy doesn't want to.
  • Chapter 4- Contaning hands in the fog

    The prince and Jemmy meet Hold-Your-Nose-Billy and Cutwater
  • Chapter 7-Being an account of a mix-up

    Hold-Your-Nose Billy and Cutwater thinks the price is Jemmy because Jemmy can write.
  • chapter 8- The ransom note

    chapter 8- The ransom note
    Jemmy writes a ransom note for Hold-Your Nose-Billy and Cutwater, because they cannot wite.
  • Chapter 13-The Chase

    Chapter 13-The Chase
    The prince and Jemmy escape from Hold-Your-Nose-Billy and Cutwater
  • Chapter 14- In Which is heard a voice in the forest

    Jemmy meets Betsy in the woods. Betsy is looking for her bear Putunia.
  • Chapter 15- Of the Hot-Potato Man and other matters

    Jemmy and the prince meets the Hot-Potato man in a wagon.
  • Chapter 17- Petunia to the rescue

    Chapter 17- Petunia to the rescue
    Jemmy and the prince become endangered when Hold-Your-Nose-Billy and Cutwater catches up to them. Petunia the bear, scares them off.