The War of 1812

  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • President James Madison Takes Office

    President James Madison Takes Office
    Britian became angry when James Madison was elected president. Britian then gave weapons to the Native Americans in the Northwest. Americans then became angry. America resented Britian's impressment of American sailors.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhaun of South Carolina became leaders in the House of Representatives. Then and their supporters were called War Hawks. A War Hawk is a person eager for war with Britian. British believed that War with Britian would hurt American trade.
  • Relations With Great Britian Worsens

    Relations With Great Britian Worsens
    Britian told the United States they would continue impressing sailors. The Native Americans began attacking new frontier settlments. This leads to the Congress declaring war on Britian.
  • Congress Declares War on Britian

    Congress Declares War on Britian
    Britian is still in war with Europe. The British are not willing to meet American demands to avoid war. Providing Native Americans with support was a way of protecting Canada against an American invasion.
  • America is Not Ready for War

    America is Not Ready for War
    America was confident that they would win the war with Britian. The, they realized, they were not ready to fight. Jefferson's cuts on the military had weakend it's strength. The American Navy only has 16 warships ready to fight. The army was fewer than 7,000 men.
  • Britian Blockades American Ports

    Britian Blockades American Ports
    Britian set a blockade on American ports. A blockade is the action of shutting a port or road to prevent people and supplies from entering and exiting. Britian had 135 warships blocking the American ports. They were able to close all ports ny the end of the war.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    War Hawks demanded an invasion of Canada. They expected Canada would welcome the chance to throw off British rule. American troops under General William Hull, invaded Canada, then retreated due to lack of soldiers. British General Isaac Brock, surrounded Hull and his army, with the British and Native Americans.
  • USS Constitution Scored a Victory

    USS Constitution Scored a Victory
    At the beginning or the war, the USS Constitution defeated the British Warship, Guerriere, in a fierce battle. According to tradition, old sailors nick-named the USS Constitution "Old Ironsides" because British ships fired and what the shot, bounced off the ship's thick, wooden hull. Everyone thought it was made of iron.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Americans were aware of the importance of controlling the lake, so were the British. This battle was 3 hours at the Put-In-Bay, the west part of the lake. The American flagship was badly damaged. Oliver Perry, an American, switched to another ship, until the battle was over.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Creek warriors attacked Native Americans. Andrew Jackson took command. Jackson defeated the Creek warriors, earning 1,000,000 acres of land.
  • Washington D.C. Attacked and Burned

    Washington D.C. Attacked and Burned
    Using strategy, Britian attacked. Polley Madison and other people in the White House, fled. Britian set fire to the White House. Then, Britian moved to Baltimore, and bombarded Fort McHenry.
  • Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    The Star Spangled Banner became the United State's national anthem. Fransis Scott Key, wrote it is a poem during the bombarding by the British at Fort McHenry.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hardford Convention was a series of meetings in Hardford, Conneticut.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Britian was tired of war with America. People strated talking about peace is Ghent, Belgium. On Christmas Eve, the two sides fighting signed the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war. Things returned to the way the were before the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This is the final major battle of the War of 1812. America that was lead by Andrew Jackson defeated Britian, under General Edward Rakenham. They siezed. America had won the war.