
The walks though the railroad tracks.

By Mdiaz04
  • Playground or Battle field?

    Playground or Battle field?
    Mawi wondered why was Sam mad? Maybe his brother Tewolde had done something bad to him upset. Sam started physically beating on him. He felt trapped.
  • Strong wind

    Strong wind
    Mehret was so small that the wind slammed her into a fence.

    Mr Haileab received a notice from Ms. Cobb, The principal. She wrote to let him they were fighting a lot, especially Tewolde.
  • Wrong way to earn money.

    Wrong way to earn money.
    All that Mawi can think about, is the time when his father told him about the poor widow that lived on the country side.
  • Time to help the family.

    Time to help the family.
    Around this time Tewolde started maturing and was looking for ways to help the family.