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blood stained flags

  • Period: to


    • First year
  • Remus and Mary have hot chocolate for the first time

    • It's the first night at Hogwarts and they're both homesick
    • They talk about home and become friends
    • He tells her that he got his scars from helping hid dad fight dragons
    • Mary believes him
  • James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily & Mary meet

    • It's their first day of school
    • They all meet during the welcome feast
  • James and Sirius teach the others Quidditch

    • Because Mulciber kept annoying James he decided that everyone in Gryffindor needed to be a talented Quidditch player and all make the team next year
    • Remus is scared because he knows that werewolves aren't allowed to play Quidditch
    • Sirius is a beater, Lily James and Mary are chasers, Peter is the keeper and Remus is the seeker
  • Mary asks Remus if his parents abuse him

    • She says that a boy in her old class also had scars and bruises because he was being abused
    • Remus tells her that he's not
  • Period: to


    • Second year
    • Third year
  • Lily meets Pandora

    • They meet at a little study group
    • They're cute
  • Lily & Pandora get together

    • It's really cute
  • Lily and Mary find out that Remus is a werewolf

    • they are SUSPISCIOUS
    • they follow Remus to the shrieking shack
    • Its so dumb they both nearly die
  • Period: to


    • Fourth year
    • Fifth year
  • Sirius, Remus and Mary become offical

    • It happens during a Gryffindor party
  • Mary is attacked by Mulciber

    • He uses dark magic
    • We all know how it goes
    • Mary refuses to leave her room
  • Period: to


    • Sixth year
  • Sirius runs away from home

    • Sirius runs away to the Potters
    • Remus, Mary, Lily and Peter also go round the Potters
    • They all sleep over
  • The Gryffindors go for Christmas drinks

    • Fluffy stuff
  • James and Lily go to a Muggle club

    • Idk why they want to go but they do while the others don't
    • They have a great time
    • James realises that he's in love with Lily
  • James tells Sirius, Remus and Peter that he loves Lily

    • They tell him to do nothing because she's with pandora
  • Bad Full Moon

    • Something happens idk whaat
    • All of the boys end up in the hospital wing
    • Mary and Lily are worried when they don't get back to the common room on time
  • Mary and Lily become animigi

    • Lily is a doe
    • Mary is a lion
  • Period: to


    • Seventh year
  • Little cosy Gryffindor scene

    • The Gryffindors in the common room chilling
    • Mary is breaking in her point shoes thatRemus and Sirius got her for her birthday
  • The Pettigrew family are killed

    • Death Eaters invade their house in the middle of the night
    • Peter and Penelope are forced to watch their parents be killed
    • The Aurors come just before the Death Eaters are about to kill Peter
    • Peter was the only survivor
  • Period: to


    • On the run
  • Voldemort wins the war

    • he takes over the ministry
    • Gryffindors are partying while it happens
    • they all go on the run
  • Voldemort makes a broadcast

    • He asks a bunch of members of certain pureblood families to come forward and join him
    • He says that there will be consequences for those who don't show up
    • Mary and Peter hear the broadcast but don't tell anyone
  • The Gryffindors make the pact

    • It was Mary's idea
    • They promise each other that no matter what happens to them that if they're caught they would do whatever it took to survive and make it back to each other
  • Sirius Black's 19th Birthday

    • Gryffindors form some kind of celebration
    • Something happens with Mary
    • Mary accidentally leaves the protection spell and screams which lets the death eaters know where they are
  • Lily Evans marries Severus Snape

    • it was not her choice
    • Voldemort was there and gave Lily Petunia's head
  • Gryffindors get caught

    • they're taken to Lestrange Mannor and all separated
  • Sirius rejoins his family

    • He is told that he and Regulus will have to now compete to see who will become the heir
  • Sirius and Regulus kill Dorcas and Marlene

    • They are told to torture and kill them in an attempt to get information on the Order
  • Snape complains about Lily

    • Snape goes to the Ministry and asks for advice on how to "tame" Lily
    • Gibbon and Dolohov tell him to be hard on her
    • James is there during this but doesn't know that they're taking about Lily
  • James joins the Ministry

    • His boss is Mad Eye Moody
    • He is in a group with Alice, Septima, Amelia, Frank and Edgar
    • Mad Eye tells James about how he lost his eye (as the missing eye is new) and tells him that Evan is dead
    • Yay Evan is dead
  • Peter joins the Death Eater training thingy

    • He is grouped with Juliette Wilkes, Edmund Avery and Amos Diggory
  • Snape starts torturing Lily

    • With the advice from dickhead 1 and 2 Snape starts treating Lily worse
    • He demands that she wear shit clothes and abuses her regularly
  • Mary is sentenced to life in Azkaban

    • She was trialed by Umbridge and Yaxley
    • She is taken to a cell near Dahlia, Lucinda and Alexander
  • Lily meets Sybill, Aurora and Charity

    • Snape beats her bad and takes her to Sybill to be treated
    • Charity walks in while she's being treated
    • They talk about Pandora
  • Sirius and Andromeda talk

    • Andy tells him about Ted and Tonks
    • Sirius wonders why none of his friends are in the cellars
    • Andromeda tells Sirius about Alice and Narcissas relationship
  • Juliette discovered Peter is a rat

    • Peter had been sneaking out at night and exploring as a rat
    • Juliette catches him
    • She says that she will keep his secret if he does something (idk what yet)
  • James meets Septima

    • They are neighbours
  • Sybill offers Lily a way out

    • Sybill tells Lily to kill herself
    • Lily refuses obvi
  • Andromeda Black marries Octavius Travers

    • She is not happy about this
    • The wedding is a surprise and she refused to leave her room
    • Sirius has to talk her into it
  • Sirius and Regulus argue and "make up"

    • Its at Andromeda's wedding
    • Sirius and Regulus argue about Sirius leaving
    • Sirius decided to make up with Regulus
    • He never forgives Regulus really
  • Remus joins the halfbreed army

    • he was isolated for a month
    • he finds out that Emmeline is a vampire and Kingsley is also a werewolve
    • he tells them that he was just bitten
    • They share stories on how they were taken
  • Mary's birthday

    • Mary is 19
    • its depressing cause she's in Azkaban
  • Peter witnesses someone being burnt to death

    • Its a random person
    • They helped a muggle or something
  • Lily thinks of Pandora

    • She's in bed with Snape while he sleeps
    • She thinks about their relationship
    • Lily woke up from a dream about Pandora
  • Remus meets Silas Crump

    • Silas was supposed to be in second year at Hogwarts
    • He was attacked recently and it was his first full moon
  • Peter and Juliette fight

    • During training they get into an argument and are forced to duel
    • Juliette seems to have the upper hand but Peter overpowers her and wins
  • Orion, Bellatrix, Sirius & Regulus go to their first death eater meeting

    • they have a great time
    • Voldemort speaks but doesn't mingle
    • Sirius starts sulking but eventually gets into it
  • Remus' first full moon with the pack

  • James and Septima talk about their friends

    • They talk about the nicknames and all that
    • Frank interrupts them and simps over Alice
    • It's cute. Nothing bad happens
  • Mulciber visits Juliette and Edmund

    • He visits the bunker because reasons
    • Bruce Juliette and Edmund being besties
    • Peter is JEALOUS
    • He don't know it tho
  • Mary discovers that dementors don't detect animagi

    • She turns into her lioness form while dementors are being dicks and they just leave her alone
    • She is very happy with the discovery
  • The Black Family's Christmas ball

    • its a ball, yayyyy
    • The Black Family, Juliette, Mulciber, and Snape are there
    • They are also celebrating Regulus' 18th Birthday
  • Xenophilius Greengrass approaches Sirius

    • It's during the Christmas party
    • Xenophilius asks Sirius for a statement for the Quibbler
    • Sirius tells him to fuck off and keep his head lower
  • Peter tells Juliette about his family

    • He now hates Christmas because it had been a year since his family were killed
    • He tells Juliette what happened
    • Juliette tells him about her sisters
  • Mary dances while Dahliah sings

    • Mary daydreams about dancing on a stage with Dahlia singing silent night
    • Mary is dancing but just in Azkaban with Dahlia singing
  • Remus meets Thor and Loki

    • Thor and Loki are two real wolves
    • They punish people in the army by letting Thor and Loki kill them
    • It's this entire show thing
    • On the first day of every month someone is chosen to be a sacrifice
  • Sirius gives his first speech

    • Sirius is forced to say a bunch of voldy propagander
  • Random person is killed

    • They were picked to be sacrificed
    • Thor and Loki kill them
  • James' team is given their mission

    • There are a group of Muggles who suspect wizards exist and want to kill them
    • James and his team are put on the case
  • Snapes birthday

    • Lily is put under the imperious curse by other Death Eaters
    • They make her be the perfect house wife for the day
    • This is told through Snape's pov
    • Snape never finds out that she was under the imperious curse
  • FULL MOON #2

  • James sees Pandora

    • He sees her while walking to work
    • They sneak away and talk
    • James is late for work and punished for it
  • James and Septima save a family of Muggles

    • They take them to Septima's house
  • Peter smokes with Juliette

    • they talk and such
    • they both take up smoking because thats the only time people are allowed fresh air
  • Mary and Dahlia talk about their loves

    • they're horny
    • forgive them
  • FULL MOON #3

  • McGonagall visits Mary in Azkaban

    • She asks her about what their animus forms are
  • Peter, Juliette, Edmund and Amos are put on the Muggle mission

    • They are told that them along with some other Death Eaters will be on th front lines of the ambush
    • This is the same thing James is doing but neither James or Peter know
  • The Muggle ambush

    • Amos dies
    • Juliette saves Peter
    • James and Peter are close but neither of them know it
    • They kill all of the Muggles
    • Basically blow up the entire town
    • Septima is very upset
  • Snape finds out about Lily's escape plan

    • He uses the memory thingy to look through her memories
    • he is MAD
  • Snape burns Sybill

    • Snape takes Sybill and Lily to the Ministry
    • He has Sybill burnt alive and lets Lily believe that she will be also
    • Last minuet he lets Lily go to teach her a lesson
    • Lily realises that she hadn't been true to the pact and is more obedient
    • Sybill didn't actually die, it was someone else from polyjuice. Sybill was taken to The Ministry to be tortured before continuing to work
  • Sirius catches Septima Vector hiding Muggleborns in her home

    • Septima pleads with him to let her go
    • She says that she'll help him see James again
    • Sirius agrees but Bellatrix walks in and turns Septima over
  • James talks to The Dark Lord

    • Voldemort tells James that he's doing.a great job
    • They speak about the others and the famous fives deaths
    • Voldemort threatens to kill the other Gryffindors if James doesn't tell him who helped Septima
    • It was James who helped Sepemia
    • He tells Voldemort that it was Cecil Lee
    • Voldemort knows that it was him
  • The Famous Five is killed

    • Septima forced to watch all of them before being killed in the middle of the Ministry of Magic
    • Bertha is killed by Dementors kiss (Mary)
    • Emma is burnt alive (Peter)
    • Aurora is killed by the killing curse (Lily)
    • Florence is sent to the wolves (Remus)
  • Xenophilius Greengrass is sent to Azkaban

    • He is put in Bertha's old cell near Mary
    • He tells Mary and Dahlia about Sirius and James and where they are
  • Peter and Juliette kiss

    • Its after they watch Emma die
    • Juliette tells Peter that she doesn't want him to die
  • FULL MOON #4

  • Remus kills his parents during the Full Moon

    • He does it in werewolf form
    • He doesn't know it's them
  • Lily kills Snape

    • She and Snape are at an event
    • Snape tricks her into going and she becomes a muggleborn offering
    • She somehow kills Snape and everyone there
  • Sirius kills Regulus

    • Sirius and Regulus duel to see who will be the family heir
    • Sirius wins
    • he inherits all of the money and runs with it
  • James tortures Olivia and Toby Gleaves and their family to death

    • Moody finds out all of the shit that James has been doing
    • He tells him that he has orders to kill one or all of the Gryffindors
    • James pleads with him not to
    • He tells James that he has to prove himself
    • After. he does Moody tells him about the Order of The Phoenix
  • Peter gets the dark mark

    • His entire team does
    • They're now officially Death Eaters and move out of the bunker
  • Mary escapes Azkaban

    • She breaks out somehow in a powerful way
  • Sirius is set to marry Juliette

    • Juliette is brought to Black Manor
    • She tells Sirius about Peter
    • They plan out an escape for Peter and Sirius
  • Frank comforts James

    • James is upset because of what he did to the Gleaves
    • Frank comforts him and tells him that he did what he needed to do
    • Alice interrupts them and tells them about Mary breaking out of Azkaban and Snape being dead
    • Voldemort wants to kill the other Gryffindors for it
  • James is told about The Order of The Phoenix

    • Moody, Alice and Frank tell him
    • Moody tells him about Sirius marrying Juliette
  • Mary investigates where Snape died

    • She, Dahlia and Alexander investigate because Mary thinks that Lily might be there
    • While there they see Charity
    • Charity fills them in on everything that has been happening
    • They convince Charity to help them
  • Dahlia's family are killed

    • Mary, Dahliah, Alexander and see it in the newspaper
    • They also see that Severus Snape is dead and find out that Lily married him
  • The death eaters ambush Peter

    • Because of Mary escaping Azkaban, Amycus tries at arrest Peter
    • Peter gets away and goes on the run
    • He sends a letter to Juliette
  • Lily and Mary are reunited

    • idk how
  • Sirius and Juliette's interrupted Wedding

    • Juliette and Sirius have a wedding with the plan for Mulciber and Avery to cause a distraction for Sirius and Peter to leave
    • Mary Lily and James go there to save Sirius and set up their own distraction
    • A big mess happens and possibly battle
    • Juliette has to be left behind
  • Remus is sentences to death

    • They say it's random
    • Really its rigged because of all of his friends getting out
  • Remus is saved from the werewolves

    • He is reunited with Sirius and Peter
    • They go back for Emmeline and Kingsley
  • Remus and Mary have hot choclcate

    • During the night they sneak out of their room
    • They talk and be cute and all that
  • All of the gryffindors are reunited

  • Peter nearly kills Remus

    • His silver hand takes over and strangles Remus
    • Mary cuts Peter's hand off the stop him
    • Somehow Peter's hand gets replaced with a gold one
  • The Gryffindors speak about trauma

    • While Peter is in recovery he tells them about how he lost his arm in the first place
    • Then the rest of them all talk about their own traumas
    • James killing the Gleaves, Sirius killing Marlene and Regulus, what Snape did to Lily, all that jazz
  • Sirius speaks to Marlenes spirit

    • idk how
    • She tells him that she would've done the same
    • She points out how the others ended their journeys with death while he started his with death
  • First Full Moon back


  • The break-in at Hogwarts

    • the Gryffindors, Dahlia, Alexander, Lucinda, Frank and Alice break into Hogwarts to save Camelia
    • While there they get caught and Alexander is killed

  • Peters 19th Birthday / Full Moon

  • The Gryffindors agree to take over

    • They have a meeting
    • They decided that they're going to take over the wizarding world themselves
  • Gryffindor meeting

    • They decide to hold a ball
    • During the ball they will determine who they can trust or not
    • Lily is asked if she wants Pandora to be in on it but Lily refuses
  • James becomes Dumbledores PA

    • hes being sneaky
  • The Ball

    • During the ball the gryffindors along with Dahlia, Alice, Frank and Emmeline go through everyone and see who would be most likely to join them


  • The Order ambush Barty Crouch Jrs house

    • Dahlia and Mary will find Camelia there
  • Dumbledore attacks James while on a mission

    • He tells James that he knows the Gryffindors plans and threatens to kill them if James doesnt tell him something (idk what yet)
    • Dumbledore obliviates James and lets him believe that a death eater attacked him
    • Lily finds him
  • Peter fakes his death

    • He becomes a martyr
    • Juliette is MAD
  • Juliette and other DE join the Gryffindors

    • Juliette and Avery appear with a number of Death Eaters including Bellatrix
    • Sirius kills Bellatrix on the spot
  • Sirius' 20th Birthday

    • They have a celebration
  • Sirius, Remus and Mary get married

    • It's as the party is dying down and they're in their room
    • Remus has full moon pains
    • They're all tipsy
    • They're talking about last names
    • "We'd take your last name" "Prove it"

  • The Gryffindors kill Frank

    • They believe Frank will be the next leader
    • On the night of the full moon they eat Frank while in their animal forms
  • Peter reunites with Juliette

    • happy times
  • The Gryffindors are killed

    • Peter, James, Sirius, Remus and Mary all die
    • Juliette is also killed
    • Lily fights Dahlias army before Dahlia kills herself and Lily kills Camelia
    • Lily falls alseep and is burnt