The timeline of important devolopment of computers

By dhpchan
  • Period: to

    Computer development

    The Time of important computer science break through
  • Pascal's Calculator

    At that time in France Taxes were rising and everything was chaotic. His father was having a crazy time trying to add up all his taxes it was exhasting. Everynight Pascal seeing his dad being tortured by the math of paying taxes he made a caculator called the Pascaline.
  • Punched Card

    The punched card was first used by Basile Bouchon and Jean-Baptiste Falcon, but it wasnt used for storing data, it was used for looming. punch the patterin in the card and a machine called the Jaquard Loom will process the card and create the patter and collor for the weaving.
  • Punched Card

    A new use of the punch card is developed Semen Korsakov, allowing the punch card to store information and data. This method and machine was announced in September 1832.
  • Punch Card

    Charles Babbage took the number card and put it in the wheel, to create a programable machine.
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace, used Charles Babbages machine to translate a letter from the Italian Engineer and future prime minister of Italy named Luigi Menabrea. She was known to be the first programmer.
  • George Boole

    George Boole wrote a book called Investigation of the Laws of Thought. He was a proffesor at Cork University, interestingly the boolean algebra was named after him. He was cnsidered the father of computer science
  • Printing calculator

    This is the first commercialy succesful printing calculator introduce by William Seward Burroughs I. It was of course hand powered but few years latter we introduce an electronic model
  • The Enigma Machine

    The Enigma is a rotor cipher machine. It can encrypt and decrypt messages. It was invented by a german engineer called Authur Sherbius at the end of WWI. This machine was used by the Nazi and it was very succesful, but why is this important to computer developments? It shows us that computers in that day can create patterns and solve patterns at the same time.
  • Diffrential Analyzer

    This diffrential Analyzer was a mechanical analog computer the calculates diffrential equation(calculus). Using wheels and disc mechanism. This machine is similar to Charles Babbages machine except this does more complicated calculus. There are many diffrential machine at that time, but the image that I put was built by Vannevar bush
  • Konrad Zues

    He was a german engineer wo but the Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4. This Z1 was to calculate advance calculus. You might say that they have already done this but due to the nazi Konrad did not know the technology outside of Germany, This calculator is a little more advance than the previous ones but its still mechanical
  • Harvard Mark I

    The Harvard Mark I was the very first iniversal calculators, it was built by IBM but shipped to Harvard. It was the first Automatic sequence controlled calculaotor (ASCC).The ASCC was built from switches, relays, rotating shafts, and clutches. It used 765,000 components and hundreds of miles of wire. It was still electromechanical.
  • Mark I being debugged

    A person called Hopper was to fix the Mark I. He checked the gears and relays and found a moth and the problem was the moth stopping the Mark I from functioning. From that on Hopper called fixing any devices system is called "debugging". This is also used in modern days, in programming language and game console.
  • Store Programming machines

    This is a small scale experimental machine (SSEM) It was not designed to be an actual computer but to store memories only testbed of the William Tube.It was also fully electronic. It had a 32-bit lengtt and 32 word memory.The only arithmetic operations implemented in hardware were subtraction and negation and the other operations had to be installed in the form of a software
  • IBM 701

    This was the first scientific calculator or computer. It was 72 william tubes with a 1024-bit and a 2048 word memory. The memory could be expand because there is another set of 72 william tube, doubling the memory maximum. Each instructions take up more bit than the other, 12-bit adress - 4096 half word(+) and Opcode (5 bits) - 32 instructions
  • IBM System/360

    It was a have scientific and have commercial computer. The slowest IBM System/360 model ranged in the speed of 0.0018 to 0.034 MIPS. 50x faster with a 8kb to a 8mb internal memory. The IBM System/360 in the market was very successful, it allowed other people to purchase software.
  • The Internet

    The The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was the first packet switching network, which means that you are allowed to transfer data. It had TCP/IP which mean it is global.
  • TI-58

    Texas instrument made a pocket size calculator and it is programmable. In this event you can see the device getting smaller, but still have the same function and sometimes better.
  • Email

    The email was created by a person called Ray Tomlinson, he chose to use the "@" sign to seperate the username and the computer name. THis technology was useful because people can communicate to there loved ones no matter how far they are, and it uses less resource. Instead of using tones of paper it uses digital memory
  • The first mouse as in the one you use on the computer

    The first mouse as in the one you use on the computer
    Douglas Engelbart was the creator of the first mouse, it was made whle he was working at xerox, it was a design for a X-Y display system. The mouse has to wheels, one facing forward and the other one sideways. If the use drag the mouse to the bottom right corner, the wheels will turn decreasing the y axis and increasing the x axis for the cursor of the screen
  • The first personal computer

    Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) was an American electronics company founded in Albuquerque, New Mexico. THis company was found by Ed Robert. Robert desing the very first home computer and it was the Altair 8800
  • Epson HX-20

    Epson HX-20
    This was the very first portable computer. It had a small LCD screen and a keyboard. It has a calculator size printer and a rechargable battery. All this was ontop of a 1.6kg chassiss
  • Stores are selling PC

    Stores are selling PC
    There are witch are selling computer but they are very expensive. The companies are trying to make the computers smaller and cheaper, but increase the rate of production.
  • The first PC Modem

    The first PC Modem
    A modem is a machine that spreads the internet in a larger radius. This is a great advantage because we do not need to always connect to an ethernet wire. Dennis C. Hayes was the person who created it.
  • BBC Micro

    BBC Micro
    The BBC micro, is built combing a set of micro computer, it was built by a company called acorn computers. This machines has the keyboard with the main compenent toghether. This machine was built for the British Broadcasting Coporation (BBC)
  • Domain Name Server

    Domain Name Server
    THe DNS Server helps memorizing domain names into numerical IP Adresses. This is helpful to located computer services and devices world wide, because not just do you memorize your device with numbers you can make you own name that is easy to remember.
  • The internet grows

    The internet grows
    The original ARPANET can only hold 1000 host but with the TCP/IP can hold up to 30000. The internet is growing
  • First Major Virus

    First Major Virus
    ONe of the main major worm written, the person who created was called Robert Tappan Morris. He study in cornell University, but launched the virus in MIT to disguised tha fact that it was from Corell the worm was named after him and it was called the Morris Worm. It exposed private information on the web.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee was the founder of the WWW. It was originally called mesh but it changed to World Wide Web while he was writing the code.
  • Dial-up Internet access

    Dial-up Internet access
    This allowed us to call directly to a internet provider and they can directly on the phone help and fix your modem. The need of getting someone to come in and fix it.
  • The first website

    The first website
    Just like the first email, telling you about the email, it told about the world wide .
  • Internet Shopping

    Internet Shopping
    First, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption was developed by Netscape, making it safer to conduct financial transaction allowing to use your credit card online. The first internet shopping site was called echo bay and then it turned into ebay. amazon came out the same time, but no profit was made until 2001.
  • First web-based mail service

    First web-based mail service
    Hotmail, was the first web-based email, so people could access it in the internet.
  • Google

    Google the search engine launched and it made people find websites easily
  • Wikipedia Launched

    Wikipedia Launched
    Wikapedia was launch allow people to have positive online contribution. Sharing information with other easily.
  • Web 2.0

    Web 2.0
    This term "web2.0" means taking part in the internet, for example chatting social network wikipedia was a tool to help this happen
  • Social media.

    Social media.
    Social Media was a term created right after "web 2.0". It is tools and websites allow us to contact eachother on the web, no matter how far you are you can always see you loved ones. Facebook and skype are great apllication and websites, to see what the people that you are close to up to
  • YouTube Launched - Internet

    YouTube Launched - Internet
    Youtube was created allowing to people to put and show off their video editing skills or share their thoughts through a video.
  • Mobile Internet Access

    The i Phone came out for the design and applications and amazing internet access on the mobile phone
  • Iphone

    The iphone was created and was well known for its design and application and a amazing internet access for a mobile phone