The Suez Crisis

By Lsmak
  • President Nasser announces plan to nationalise Suez Canal.

    The President of Egypt, Gamal Nasser announces the Egyptian nationalisation of the Suez Canal and its operating Suez Canal Company. He does thsi in retaliation to the agreement made by the American and British Governments to finance the construction of the Aswan Dam being broken. The Suez Canal represented the main source of oil for Britain and France and the potential loss of those supplies left Britain and France in a state of worry and anger.
  • Formation of the 'Egypt Committee'

    The Prime minister of Great Britain - Sir Anthony Eden, forms the Egypt Committee, consisting of himself, Lord Salisbury (President of the Council and Leader of the House of Lords), Lord Home (the Commonwealth Secretary), and Harold Macmillan (the Chancellor of the Exchequer) to guide Britain's intent to recover access to and control over the Suez Canal. The Foreign Secretary, Selwyn Lloyd and the Defence Minister Sir Walter Monckton later became members of this committee.
  • Period: to

    The Five Nation conference on the Suez canal

    A conference of is held in London in an attempt to find a diplomatic solution and adopts eighteen proposals which include an offer to Nasser (offered Nasser a leading postition on the Suez Canal company board and a shae in its profis
  • Period: to

    2nd Conference of Nations

    A second Five Nation conference is held in London to discuss the American's proposals to ensure that the Suez Canal continues to be an International resource.
  • The USSR forbids the American plan in the United Nations Security Council

    (American plan in regards to International use of the Suez Canal) Anglo-French proposal for the control of the Suez Canal is vetoed by the USSR during UN session.
  • Secret British-French military discussions over the control of the Suez Canal

    Sir Anthony Eden takes part in secret discussions with French officials over a military operation to recover Allied use of the Canal. The talks reach the conclusion that a plan that - Israel would invade Egypt therefore allow British and French forces to seize the Canal as an act of political intervention between warring nations is formed.
  • Period: to

    Agreement concluded between Israel, Britain and France

    The British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd, finishes the agreement with French and Israeli officials at Sèvres, France. The British copy of the resulting Sèvres Protocol is destroyed on Sir Eden's orders.
  • Eden recieves approval for military intervention

    An increasingly sidelined Foreign Office is split over the Government's intention to adopt military measures.
  • Israeli forces invade Egypt

    175,000 Israeli troops Invade Egypt
  • Ultimatum rejected by Nasser

    Much to the Allies disgust, the British and French ultimatum for an end to Egyption hostilities is rejected by Nasser.
  • British and French troops invade Port Said

    On the night of 6 November, both British and French troops invade Port Said and seize control of the Suez Canal. In a meeting of the British cabinet on 6 November, Harold Macmillan raises warnings of economic peril as a result of the action. Macmillan had previously been one of the strongest supporters of resolute action. Meanwhile the US Presidential election results in the re-election of President Eisenhower.
  • Due to the U.S and U.S.S.R, the United Nations condemn British and French military action

    The loss of confidence and American backing for the already weak British economy forces Eden into calling a cease-fire (All ALlied troops are pulled out of the Suez Canal. British public opinion is deeply divided over the use of force. Egyption people believe Nasser to be super-human to have defeated the Allies.
  • Eden Resigns

    Under the impact of the Crisis, Eden's already fragile health has deteriorated to such an extent that he is forced to resign. Politically Eden's premiership had little future, and most believe he 'fell ill' quite purposely.
  • Harold Macmillan replaces Eden as Prime Minister.