The Struggle of the Lubicon Cree to Affirm Their Identity.

  • Treaty 8

    Treaty 8
    treaty 8 was signed by many bands of natives, the only ones that were excluded were the ones that lived in far off remote areas including the Lubicon cree. because of this their territory was thought of as land that was owned by the governent also known as crownland. for 100 years after the Lubicon struggled to correct treaty 8, but their efforts wer unseccessfull.
  • Not Aborigional??

    Not Aborigional??
    federal government decided that some band members were not aborigional and removed them from the band list.
  • Oil was Discovered

    Oil was Discovered
    oil was discovered on the Lubicon hunting territory. when OPEC (a gruop of people from many of the countries in the middle east) stopped shippin oil to the U.S. the U.S started to look towards Canada for oil. Roads that were built to access the oil enabled oil and gas companies to set up oil wells on the Lubicon land. eventually the Daishowa paper manufacturing company set up a pulp mill on the land.
  • Huge Effets on the Lubicon

    Huge Effets on the Lubicon
    when other companies started moving up and setting up plants on their land more and more trees were destroyed, along with animals. this change in the amount of animal life had a huge negative effect on the Lubicon way of life.
  • War Broke out

    War Broke out
    a war broke out between Israel and an Arab gruop led by syrians and egyptians. changing the lives of the Lubicon people of northern alberta.
  • Period: to

    the refusal

    Cheif bernard Ominayak refused to give up their identity. the Lubicon launched a campaign to win more support for their cause.