
The Spread of Islam

  • Sep 2, 632

    The Death of Mohammed

    The Death of Mohammed
    Mohammed the Prophet died
  • Period: Sep 2, 632 to Sep 2, 661

    The Rightly Guided Caliph

    The first four caliphs that followed Mohammeds ruled. Three of them were murdered.
  • Period: Sep 2, 632 to Sep 2, 1517

    The Spread of Islam

    Islam spread to many different places between 632 and 1517.
  • Period: Sep 2, 661 to Sep 2, 750

    The Caliphate of the Umayyads

    Islamic culture was founded wherever the Umayyids conquered. In abou 690, Arabic became the official language of the Islamic Empire. Mosks had started to be built incuding the Dome of Rock in Jerusalem built in the 690's.
  • Period: Sep 2, 750 to Sep 2, 1055

    The Caliphate of the Abbasids

    The Abbasid family came into power after a civil war. Arabic language became the official language in all of the countries of the Islamic Empire. They made Iraq the centre of the Empire instead of Syria. Baghdad was named the new capitol in 763 by al-Mansur. It was a powerful city until it was destroyed in 1258by the Mongols. Baghdad led the world to know many new things including astronomy when it was brought from India in 771.
  • Period: Sep 2, 1055 to Sep 2, 1258

    The Caliphate of the Seldjuks

    Turkish wandering tribes invaded and changed the Islamic Empire. The Selduks made Baghdad their capitol city in 1091.The first crusade was begun by Pope Urban in 1096. The Seldjuk empire broke into seperate states in 1118 and between 1171 and 1193 Saladin ruled.
  • Period: Sep 2, 1258 to Sep 2, 1517

    The Mamluks

    The Islamic Empire was invaded by Mongol tribes from Central Asia. Baghdad was destroyed by Hulegu in 1258. The centre of the people of Islam moved to Cairo in Egypt and Damascus in Syria from Iraq.