The Secret Within-marquis

By Room115
  • Carly raced down the cement sidewalk

    Carly raced down the cement sidewalk
  • Period: to

    The Secret Within

  • She saw Frankie Marzano

  • "Where's the paper"?-Vinnie

  • "None of them had the Trenton Times"-Carly

  • "The Maybe Game"

  • She climbed out the window

  • She was walking the boardwalk

  • So where did you get that bruise on your cheek?-aileen

  • Carly ducked into a T-shirt shop

  • ":How's know...your ankle"

  • "I can't leave,"Carly mumbled

  • Carly and Nick slipped out the back

  • Confined in the closet for spilling milk,untied shoelaces, for laziness,stupidness, and bold looks

  • Psssst! Carlt!, Carly dropped to the ground with a soft thud and crouched behind the tree.

  • "Come over to my house. He wont see you."

  • "Look at that," he said pointing atthe glass."Look at all those streaks.

  • It always amazed her how charming he could be when he wanted

  • She prayed he wouldn't come in, that he was headed somewhere else.

  • "You stay away from Carly," he said in a low, threating voice.

  • Mrs.Chambers was worn thin trying to hold a husband and a daughter.

  • "How do you do this? I can't get past the first branch.