The political situation from 1031 to 1085

  • 15 BCE


    In the Crown of Aragón, King Martín I died without an heir in 1410. Therefore, in 1412, representatives of institutions from every state in the Crown were convened to choose a new king. The resolution reached at this meeting, the Compromise of Caspe, meant that the House of Trastámara was put in place to rule Aragón.
  • 14 BCE


    One of the bloodiest civil wars was that between king Pedro I of Castilla and his step-brother Enrique of Trastámara, who aspired to the throne.
    Enrique II was victorious and acceded to the throne of the Trastámara dynasty.
  • 13 BCE

    The political situation from 1212 to 1250

    The political situation from 1212 to 1250
    The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa was a major victory for the Christian kingdoms and made the occupation of the Guadalaquivir valley possible. In this battle, the kings of Castilla, Navarra and Aragón fought together.
    In 1250, there was only one Andalusian kingdom, the Kingdom of Granada, ruled by the Nasrid dynasty.
  • 12 BCE

    The political situation from 1085 to 1212

    Their arrival stopped the Christian advance and achieved the reunification of the Andalusian territory until the early 12th century.
    In 1118, Alfonso I of Aragón and Navarra conquered Zaragoza.
    In 1137, the marriage of Ramón Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, and Petronila, the young Queen of Aragón, led to the union between the Catalan counties and Aragón.
  • 11 BCE

    The political situation from 1031 to 1085

    The most important taifas were Sevilla, Toledo, Badajoz and Zaragoza.
    division of the lands of Sancho III el Mayor after his death in 1035.
    Aragón, Navarra and Castilla.