The political career of Napoleon

  • Became first concul of France

    Became first concul of France
    He was the de facto leader of the French Republic as First Consul from 1799 to 1804.
  • Battle of Marengo

    Battle of Marengo
    A victory over Austria at the Battle of Marengo leaves France the dominant power on the continent.
  • Napoleon signed the concordat with the pope

    Napoleon signed the concordat with the pope
    when napoleon signed an agreement called the Concordat with Pope Pius VII, the effect of the agreement is that, the church was able to function without persecution from the government. The Church agreed to give up their claim to the lost lands.
  • France sells Louisiana territory to U.S.

    France sells Louisiana territory to U.S.
    In need of money, hes abandoning the idea of a French empire in North America and sells the Louisiana Territory to the United States.
  • Became the first emperor of France, 1804

    Became the first emperor of France, 1804
    Napoleon declares France a hereditary empire and crowns himself emperor under the name Napoleon I. As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The French civil code enacted on March 21 that clarifies and makes uniform the laws of France. He also reconstructs the French education system.
  • Reformation of educational system

    Reformation of educational system
    Napoleon reformed the French educational system
  • the Battle of Jena

    the Battle of Jena
    The battle of Jena (14 October 1806) was one of two simultaneous battles won by the French on the same day and saw Napoleon with most of the Grand Armée defeat the Prussian flank guard at Jena while Marshal Davout defeated the main Prussian force further north at Auerstädt.
  • Campaign against the Habsburg empire

    Campaign against the Habsburg empire
    When Napoleon’s Grand Armee went to war against the might of the Habsburg empire in 1809, its forces included more than 100,000 allied German troops. From his earliest imperial campaigns, these troops provided played a key role as Napoleon swept from victory to victory and in 1809 their fighting abilities were crucial to the campaign.
  • Back in charge

    Back in charge
    Napoleon escaped Elba in February 1815 and took control of France again