The Past of Cambodia

  • 19


    Cambodia began rebuilding on this day after the war had destroyed everything.
  • Cambodia pressure

    By the mid-1800's Cambodia was under pressure from European colonial powers.
  • Protectorate

    in 1863 Cambodia was a protectorate to France. This lasted 90 years.
  • Throne Switching

    In the throne switched back to the Norodoms
  • Independence of Cambodia

    (1953–70) On 9 March 1945, while the Japanese occupied Cambodia, they declared their independence.
  • War With South Vietnam

    In the mid-1970's​ they had a war with South Vietnam
  • King Dies

    The King died on April 3, 1960
  • New Ruler

    Norodom Suramarit became the new head of Cambodia
  • New people

    Sihanouk broke off relations with the US and allowed NVG to set up bases in Cambodia
  • Bombing

    The US began a secret bombing attack against NV forces on Cambodia land
  • Civil Wars

    Civil wars had lasted from 1970-1975
  • New title

    Sihanouk became the head of state and the country is renamed Kampuchea
  • Explanation

    Cambodia was known as The RAK(Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea)
  • War

    Cambodia and Vietnam started a war.
  • Forces leaving

    Vietnam forces left
  • Pol Pot

    Pol Pot died on this day
  • Bridge

    The first bridge opens across Mekong River.
  • Prison

    Rainsy sentenced 10 months in prison.
  • Out of prison

    Rainsy gets out of prison with a royal pardon
  • Duch

    Duch is sentenced to 35 years in prison
  • 3 people killed

    security killed 3 people
  • Hun Sen 30 years

    Hun Sen marks 30 years as prime minister​