The past and history of Cambodia

  • The Independence of Cambodia

    On November 9th 1953 Cambodia gained its independence
  • Still having a prime minister?

    Sihanouk is still pursuing his career as a prime minister and an politician
  • Politicians father dies and become ruler

    Sihanouk's Father dies and then he becomes the head of the state
  • Sihanouk loses relationship with us

    On this day Sihanouk loses is relationship and Allie with the us
  • War with Vietnam

    On this day there was war declared and was battled out at Cambodia
  • The bombing of Cambodia

    The us secretly begins a campaign that plans on bombing Cambodia
  • The overthrone of Sihanouk

    On this day Sihanouk was overthrown the new leader had a big army fight the north Vietnamese on Cambodia which left a lot of blood and bodies everywhere
  • New name of the country

    The country was re named when a new leader was Pol Pot
  • Drops things with the u.s

    Cambodia dropped diplomatic relationships with the u.s
  • One of the biggest murders ever to be committed

    In this event almost a quarter of cambodias people died because of Khmer Rouge's execution
  • Adoption of the constitution

    On this day Cambodia adopted a very important constitution
  • New government

    Khmer Rouge formed a new government which was the government for a decade
  • Troops fall back

    On this day Vietnam troops fall back and out of cambodia
  • A peace agreement signed

    Cambodia had all of its parties to sign a peace agreement then later boycotted
  • Better and new government

    A new government was elected and was called Royal Government of Cambodia
  • Death of Pol Pot

    On this day they lost a very horrible person that had killed nearly 2 million people
  • Last surviving leader

    The last surviving leader of Cambodia was captured on this day and before captured refused to join the Royal Government of Cambodia
  • A big river flood

    On this day the Mekong river flooded and killed 89 people form Cambodia
  • Toll count

    After the whole flooding was over they had counted how many people died from and flooding and was a shocking 235 people from both Cambodia and Vietnam
  • Phnem Government gets attacked by several gunmen

    The Phnem Government was attacked by several gunmen and at least 7 were killed in the attack
  • Sealed boarders

    Thailand sealed its boarders with Cambodia
  • Cambodia seals its boarders with Thailand

    Cambodia sealed it boarders with Thailand due to sluggish progress with Cambodia
  • Many Infected

    Over a span of about a month almost 3 percent of the adult population was infected with many different diseases
  • Ending of a boy cott

    On this day the Cambodian government has ended a big boy cott and has made that hard for them to do next time
  • More people killed due to more flooding

    Another flood happened in Cambodia and had killed in 89 people