Oregon territory seal.tif

The Oregon Territory

  • First Pioneers Settle

    The first Pioneer settler cross the plains and settle in Oregon
  • First Wagons arrive from Fort Hall

  • Started Government

    A provisioal government started for the territory
  • Slavery Declared Illegal

    Slavery is declared illegal in Oregon County
  • Treaty with Great Britan

    Officailly proclaimed the Oregon Territory part of the United States and further deffined the border between the US and Canada
  • Whitman Massacre

    Whitman Massacre
    A band Native Americans kills 13 people including Marcus Witman and his wife afetr accusing him of killing over 200 other Indians while under his medical care.
  • Territory Established

    Territory Established
    No longer just random land, the Oregon County becomes the Oregon Territory. Proclaimed by Govenor Joseph Lane.
  • Oregon Admitted to Union

    Oregon Becomes a State