
The Napoleonic Era and The Restoration

  • Napoleon's coup

    Napoleon's coup
    He gave a coup that ended the Directory.
  • Period: to

    The Napoleonic Era

    It marked the definitive consolidation of the main revolutionary conquests but eliminating its more radical aspects and tending to an increasing concentration of power in his person. He leaned against the high bourgeois and the army.
  • Napoleon is appointed consul.

  • Napoleón Bonaparte

    It was a political and military leader. He ruled France from 1799 and proclaimed himself emperor in 1804 until 1814. He defended the liberlism, however he controlled all branches in France. Napoleon's army invaded several European countries, creating the Napoleonic empire and spread the revolutionary liberal ideas. He was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century.
  • Napoleon was appointed consul for life.

  • Napoleon proclaimed himself Emperor.

  • Civil Code.

    Civil Code.
    He promulgated the civil code that guarantees individual freedom, the right under the law, private property and economic freedom.It is fully in force in France and other countries.
  • Franco-Spanish defeat of Trafalgar

    Franco-Spanish defeat of Trafalgar
  • Defeat of Leipzig

  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The major powers (Austria, Russia, Prussia and Britain) organized a conference in order to proceed to territorial adjustment Europe which also tried to bring back the Ancient Régime.
  • Napoleon's exile to the island of Elba

    Napoleon's exile to the island of Elba
  • Napoleon's return to France.

    Napoleon's return to France.
    Napoleon returned to France as emperor in 1815 which led to the rule of the Hundred Days
  • Period: to

    The Restoration

    Stage developed between 1815 to 1830-48.It marks the return to the Ancient Régimen. It was made possible by partnerships of European monarchs to prevent the triumph of the revolution.
  • Battle of Waterloo.

    Battle of Waterloo.
    Napoleon is defeated again.
  • France joins the Congress of Vienna

  • Napoleon dies.

    Napoleon dies.
    Napoleon was exiled to the island of St. Helena where he soon dies.
  • The Quadruple Alliance intervened in Spain and Naples to quell the liberal experiences that were taking place.

    The Quadruple Alliance intervened in Spain and Naples to quell the liberal experiences that were taking place.
  • The revolutionary moves of 1830 and 1848 ended with the Restoration.