
The Influencing Past of the OPEC on Southwest Asia

  • Oil Discovered in the Middle East

    Oil Discovered in the Middle East
    Before oil was discovered, the middle east was kind of hanging low on the earth's importance since it hadn't had much power for several years. In 1908 when oil was discovered, the middle east 'showed up' on the map, and started making more of an impact, and made people pay more attention to that part of the globe. Through the discovery of oil, it also made the creation of OPEC important and powerful.
  • OPEC was created

    OPEC was created
    In September 1960, OPEC was created with the countries of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. OPEC was created to unify policies and make sure that oil prices have a consecutive price, and making it fair to the buying countries
  • Outbreak of Yom Kippur War

    Outbreak of Yom Kippur War
    When the US helped and supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War, it led to the restrictions of oil the US and other countries that supported Israel. Soon later, all exports of oil were cut off to the US from several countries, raising gas prices in the US by almost nine dollars.
  • The Iranian Revolution Takes Place

    The Iranian Revolution Takes Place
    The Iranian Revolution caused shortages in oil production, so after the revolution, OPEC tried to increase production, but also increased prices for barrels. This caused trouble in the US, causing gas prices to increase yet again.

    Through the discovery of oil in the Middle East, that part of the globe became more mentioned and talked about. It wasn't in the news or spoken of too often until a 'new gold' was discovered there. By being discovered, it has influenced modern day Middle East because now it is mentioned and talked about in today's society. With the creation of OPEC, it influences the region because it represents oil and how to control it, as one of the main things the middle east is known for.

    Both the Iranian Revolution and the Yom Kippur War, and their influence of the fluxuating and increased prices on gas give the modern day Middle East by causing a sort of untrusting and negative tone towards the Middle East from countries such as the US. It has led to things such as stereo types of war inflicting countries, and giving people a reason to 'look down' upon them.