The Hydrogen Bomb and and the Nuclear arms Race

  • Hydrogen Bomb Research

    The reason that this research overpowered any other atomic nuclear weapons was because the Soviets had created an atomic weapon one month earlier, and they needed to reclaim nuclear superiority- deciding to create a whole new type of weapon, the Hydrogen Bomb.
  • First Detonation by Soviet Union

    Coming as a shock to the United States, the Soviets detonated their first Atomic bomb in August of 1949. This influenced the United States, President Truman at the time, to create a stronger bomb, the Hydrogen Bomb.
  • Development of the American hydrogen bomb

    After President Truman agreed that there was a need for the invention of a stronger nuclear weapon than the Atomic Bomb, there were people involved in the development: Lewis Strauss, Zeldovich.
  • United States tests first hydrogen bomb

    As the first thermonuclear weapon, this explosion of the hydrogen bomb caused the United States to have the advantage against Soviets in the arms race. This was 1,000 times more powerful than "conventional nuclear devices."
  • Nations involved in the development of Hydrogen Bombs

    After the Soviets made a nuclear weapon that put them ahead of the United States in "arms race," the US had to come back with something stronger, the invention of the hydrogen bomb.
  • Where the bombs were tested

    Dropped my a jet above Namu Island in the Pacific, however the bomb landed four miles away from it's target, resulting in all of the aircraft involved to be struck by a tremendous shock wave.
  • Result of the Hydrogen Bomb explosion

    The explosion resulted with a fireball at least 4 miles wide, and described as "by far the most stupendous release of explosive energy on earth so far." All of the aircraft involved were struck by a wave from the explosion. The fireball was followed by an enormous mushroom cloud, "[appearing] as though it would envelop the entire earth"
  • US hydrogen bomb

    US hydrogen bomb
  • Development of the Soviet Bomb

    The Soviets used the design from Sakharov for the first Hydrogen Bomb, although many people were involved. The people involved in the first successful Soviet Hydrogen Bomb were given awards, either "Heroes of Socialist Labor," or "The Order of Lenin.