The Holocaust Timeline

By Kanye
  • Hitler Campaign Speech

    Hitler Campaign Speech
    In this event , Hitler vows to disband the parliamentary system.
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    Here is when Nazi Germany begins and Hitler becomes chancellor.
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Reichstag Fire Decree
    The decree happened a day after the parliament building happened to get burned and was an important factor in making Nazi Dictatorship. President Hindenburg approved for an emergency decree.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    During this day the Nazis were trying to get people not to buy from Jewish-owned stores.
  • Books Burning

    Books Burning
    Germans as a way of boycotting burned Jewish books
  • Death of German President von Hindenburg

    Death of German President von Hindenburg
    Hitler becomes President after Hindenburg. Next, abolishes the office of President and declares himself Führer of the German Reich and People
  • Hitler Abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler Abolishes the Office of President
    He becomes the absolute dictator of Germany and has no one can check him about his authority. He has no limits to his power.
  • Kristallnacht

    The Nazi's were destroying Jewish properties. Many Jews were killed then persecution sought to force Jews from public life and force their emigration from the country.