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The history of immigrants and refugees in Greece

  • 750 BCE

    Second greek colonisation

    Second greek colonisation
    The Second Greek colonisation was an organized colonial expansion by the Archaic Greeks into the Mediterranean Sea and Pontus in the period of the 8th–6th centuries B.C. It consisted of organized direction by the originating metropolis. Many colonies that were founded in this period evolved into strong city-states and became independent of their metropoles.
  • 1550

    Migration in 15th and 16th century

    Migration in 15th and 16th century
    The fall of the Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine empire brings a large number of Byzantine scholars in search of spiritual and working shelter in the West(Italy), where the wind of the Renaissance blows.
  • The refugees flow of 1914

    The refugees flow of 1914
    In the early months of 1914 there were massive migrations
    of Muslims from the Balkans to Minor Asia. The migration which was instigated by the Turkish government caused the persecution of Greeks who lived there. The actions of Turks caused a great wave of refugees to Greece. At the houses of the Greeks of Minor Asia Muslims settled down.The refugees who arrived in Greece from Asia and Thrace were many thousands. Alot of Greeks were killed in the labor teams which were organised by the Turks.
  • The immigrants flows from Greece to United States

    The immigrants flows from Greece to United States
    In the 20th century Greece was a country of sending immigrants.The immigrant flow of Greeks to the US that began around 1890 differs from past movements in economic and social conditions. Migration flows peaked in the 1920 and Greece lost 8% of its total population. Approximately 25,000 people left the economically inadequate Greece every year and hoped for the "Land of Promise", as America was called, promising wealth, prosperity, and golden opportunities.
  • The Greek refugees from Minor Asia and Pontos to Greece in 1922

    The Greek refugees from Minor Asia and Pontos to Greece in 1922
    The Greek-Turkish war that began in 1919 ended in August 1922 with the defeat and retreat of the Greek army. After the Asia Minor catastrophe in 1922, the Population Exchange was signed in 1923, which decided the compulsory exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey, ending the war.
    This agreement is a unique world story regulation, as they moved with only the religion criterion about twomillions of people, 1.2 million Orthodox Christians and 600,000 Muslims.
  • The immigrants flows from Greece to Germany

    The immigrants flows from Greece to Germany
    After World War II Greece is experiencing another difficult period in its history. Unemployment and social insecurity are common in the lower social classes that have found the solution for a better life in immigration. In 1960, the Greek-German agreement "On the employment of Greek workers in Germany" was signed. About 1.000.000 Greeks migrated only to Germany.America, Canada, Australia, Belgium were in turn centers for receiving immigrants from Greece.
  • Refugees from East Europe countries to Greece

    Refugees from East Europe countries to Greece
    The fall of the socialist regimes in Eastern Europe in 1989 created the first wave of economic migration to Greece (with migrants mainly from Albania, Bulgaria and Romania) across the northern border, followed by migrants from African and Asian countries. During the decades 1990-2010, Greece became a pole of attraction for hundreds of thousands of immigrants not only from the former socialist countries but from the whole world.
  • Refugees from Syria to Greece

    Refugees from Syria to Greece
    In total, 804,465 immigrants and refugees arrive in our country in 2015 according to police data. At the same time, according to Reuters, more than 1 million refugees came to Europe this year, while slave labor revenues exceeded $ 1 billion in 2015 .
    Half of them, namely 457,149, were refugees from Syria because of the war. In total, 77 nationalities make up the total of other economic migrants who come to Greece.
  • Immigrants from Greece to the countries of the west

    Immigrants from Greece to the countries of the west
    According to statistics, the number of permanently outgoing Greeks aged 15-64, from 2008 to today, exceeds 427,000. "In 2013, we are seeing a tripling of the average since 2008, and immigrants are over 100,000, and according to all indications, the phenomenon continues with uninterrupted tension in 2014 and is further worse in the first half of 2015" because of the financial crisis. The process of leaving Greeks to look for work abroad is still ongoing and it does not seem when it ends .