
The History of the Internet

By masho
  • prototype desinges

    Leonard Kleinrock makes the first desing of packet sharing, also known as communication throughout a lagre network that will later be known as the internet.
  • first official US goverment use

    The internet is used to connect four major United States Universitie Computers in case of a military attack that destroys other known ways of communication.
  • Ray Tomlinson and the E-mail

    Ray Tomlinson, a computer scientis uses the "@" to separate the senders name and the network used to send messages. This is the invention of simple messages throw the internet.
  • a new Add-on

    TCP/IP is dessinged and will later be used as a new way of sharing and communicating.
  • STATE begins using the internet

    The two candidates Jimmy Carter Walter Mondel use the internet to desing campain events. Queen Elizabeth is the first state leader to send an email
  • The "Internet"

    The word internet is introduced for the first time.
  • File Sharing

    TCP is able to be used to loging and download/share any information/file from a computer.
  • The last few words of a page for search

    The end words .com, .org, .edu are used for the first time.
  • QCS

    Quantum Computer services that later changes its name starts offering email, electronic bullitin boards, news and many other informations.
  • The first viruse with serious concequences

    a viruse called the Internet Worm shuts down about 10% of the worlds internet servers
  • WWW is introduced

    WWW (world wide web) is intuduced making the internet public world wide.
  • The White house

    THe white house lunches its website
  • Youtube

    Youtube lunches and will soon be a worldwide Video sharer.