British view on the blitzkrieg

The German Blitzkrieg

By pooms
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler was granted the position of Chancellor.
  • Germany invades Austria

    Germany invades Austria, breaking the treaty of Versailles.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Although this was the official start of the Blitzkrieg, infantry and artillery were relied upon more than aerial assault together with armored assault.
  • Invasion of Belgium and Holland

    Panzers of group A charge out the forests of Ardennes. While army Group B using air forces charge into Belgium and Holland. Army captures a key road bridge. Through it the German army pours through.
  • Pressure on France

    The French Army is easily defeated by another Panzer division due to their poor deployment. In the south Army C of the Germans is trying to get through the Maginot Line.
  • Holland surrenders and the other troops continue retreating in Belgium

    Holland surrenders. The next day British and French armies continue retreating in Belgium. Winston Churchill is shocked to hear from Maurice Gamelin (Commander of the French forces) that there are no reserves
  • Further attacks in Belgium

    Germans enter Brussels the next day Antwerp is also conquered.
  • Defeat of British tanks

    The Germans have a huge chunk from the Ardennes Forest to the Atlantic Ocean. It is 20 miles wide. British attack and are successful until the Germans use their 88-millimeter guns which prove themselves very effective against the British tanks. The British attack is immediately halted.
  • Belgium surrenders

    Belgium surrenders. The French and British rush in to cover the Dunkirk perimeter.
  • Germans reach Paris

    Germans reach Paris and June 22th General Huntziger (French army general) signs an armistice with Germany.