The French Revolution

  • Beginig of the 1700

    Beginig of the 1700
    France was considered the most advanced country of Europe.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Video

    Video Short summary from the French Revolution to Napoleon Bonaparte
  • A leader IS BORN

    A leader IS BORN
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born.
  • Social and Political system of France

    Social and Political system of France
    The Old Regime remained in place. The people of France were divided into 3 large social classes: First Estate, Second Estate & Thrid Estate
  • Dept of France

    Dept of France
    France sank in dept with Louis XVI and Marie Antoniette spendings.
  • France economy

    France economy
    France economy was in decline. Bad weather caused widespread crop failaures. Which caused severe shortage of grain.
  • no loan of money

    no loan of money
    The bank refused to lean money since Louis used all the money to help the American Revolution.
  • Population

    By 1787 the population of France was:
    * First Estate(church)- less than 1%
    * Second Estate(nobles)- 2% of the people
    * Third Estate(bourgasie)- 97% of the people
  • Bread price rises

    Bread price rises
    The price of the bread doubled. The people faced starvation.
  • Meeting of the Estates

    Meeting of the Estates
    A meeting was helled to aproove or disaproove Louis solution to impose taxes on the second estate. The first in 175 years.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    Emmanuel- Joseph Sieyes suggested that
    the Thrid Estate ma,ed themseleves the National Assembly and pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people. After a long debate the delegates agreed by a big mayority.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Third Estate delegates found themselves locked out of their meeting room. They broke down a door to an indor tennis court of the Versailles Palace, pledging to stay until they had drawn up a new constitution.
  • Attack of the Bastille

    Attack of the Bastille
    Rumors flew some people thought that Louis was using the Swiss guards to dismiss the National Assembly.Others that the foreign troops were coming to Paris to massacre French citizens. People began to gather weapons in order to defend the city against attack.
    A mob stormed the Bastille and they took control of it.
  • The Asssembly Reforms France

    The Asssembly Reforms France
    The night the noblemen wanting liberty and equality, motivated by fear joined other members of the National Assembly in taking away feudal privaleges of the 1 & 2 esates. The next day the Old Regime did not exist.
  • Rights of Man

    Rights of Man
    Declaration of the Rights of Man was their revolutionary ideal.
    "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
  • A Graet Fear Sweeps France

    A Graet Fear Sweeps France
    A wave of senseless panic caused by wild rumors that nobles were hiring putlaws to terrorize the peasants. Through the rising of breads' price thousands of women with weapons marched on the Versailles. They demanded the National Assembly take action to provide bread. They turned their anger on the king and queen breaking into the palace and killing some of the guards. The women demandes that Louis and Marie returned to Paris.
  • A State-Controlled Church

    A State-Controlled Church
    The National Assembly's early reforms focused on the church. They took over the churchs lands and declared that Church officials and priest were to be elected and paid as state officials.
  • newspaper Le Père Duchesne

    newspaper Le Père Duchesne
    First edition of radical newspaper Le Père Duchesne printed by Jacques Hébert.
  • Louis tries tio escape

    Louis tries tio escape
    The National Assembly restuctured the relationship between church and state. He knew he and his family were in dangered so the royal family tried to escape from France to the Austrian Netherlands, however they were caught and this attempt to escape grew his enemies in the goverment,
  • A Limited Monarchy

    A Limited Monarchy
    The National Assembly completed the new constitution. This created a limited constitutional monarchy and created a new Legastive Assembly.
  • Factions Split France

    Factions Split France
    Despite the new goverment they still had old problems. This caused the Legislative Assembly to split in three general groups:
    *Radicals-they sat on the left side of the hall; opposed the idea of monarchy
    *Moderates-sat in the center of the hall; wanted some changes but not as many as the radicals
    *Conservatives-sat on the right side; limited monarchy and few changes
  • Factions Split France

    Factions Split France
    Emigres, nobles and others, hoped to undo the Revolution and restore the Old Regime
  • War and Execution

    War and Execution
    Monarchs and nobles in Europe feared that their people may take ideas and also start a revolution against them, as a result some countries took action; Autria and Prussia urged the French to restore Louis to his position as an absolute monarch. The Legislative responded by declaring war.
  • France at war

    France at war
    The guillotine was introduced
  • France at War

    France at War
    France invades Austrian Netherlands (Belgium).
  • Royal Palace invasion

    Royal Palace invasion
    The men and women invaded the Tuileries, the palace the royal family was staying. The mob massacred the royal guards and imprisioned Louis, Marie and their children.
  • Jacobins take control

    Jacobins take control
    Most of the people involved in the govermental changes in september 1792 were member of a redical political organization called the Jacobins. Jean Paul Malarat one of the most promiment member.
  • September Massacres

    September Massacres
    Angry and fearfull citizens raided the prisons and murder over 1,000 prisioners.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    Dissolution of Legislative Assembly.
  • New Goverment

    New Goverment
    A National Convention took place. It quickly abolished the monarchy and made France a republic. Only adult male citizen were garanted the right to vote and hold office.
  • The War Continues

    The War Continues
    Great Brittan, Hollad, and Spain joined Prussia and Austria against France. French suffered a string of defeats.
  • The Rights of Man

    The Rights of Man
    Writer Olympe de Gouges publishes a declaration of the rights of women but her ideas were rejected. She was declared the enemy of the Revolution and exacuted.
  • Kings' Last Walk

    Kings' Last Walk
    The Convention found the former king guilty and on January 21 the king walked with calm dinity up the steps of the scaffold to be beheaded by the guillotine.
  • Marat killed

    Marat killed
    Marat was killed by Charlotte Corday, a supporter of a rival faction whose members had been jailed. She whent inside Marat private chambers and stabbed him. For her crime she went to the guillotine.
  • Maximilien Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre
    Robespierre became the leader of the Committe of Public Safety. And becomes a dicator and governs France.
  • Reing of Terror

    Reing of Terror
    The Reing of Terror starts.
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette guillotined.
  • Enemies of the Revolution

    Enemies of the Revolution
    Many of those who had led the Revolution received death sentences. Their only crime was that they were considered less radical than Robespierre.
  • Dantons in danger.

    Dantons in danger.
    At his trial he defended himself so skillfully that he was eventually denien the right to speak. However he was guillotined.
  • End of Terror

    End of Terror
    Member of the National Convention turned on Robespierre. Robespierre arrested, guillotined without trial, along with other members of the Committee of Public Safety. Commune of Paris abolished. End of the Reign of Terror.
  • New Plan of Goverment

    New Plan of Goverment
    The National Convention drafted a new plan of goverment, the thrid since 1789. Placing the power firmly in the hands of upper middle class and called for a house legislature and excecutive body of five men, known as the Directory.
    They also found the right general to commando France's armies, Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Battle of Trebia

    Battle of Trebia
    Battle of the Trebia (Suvorov defeats French).
  • Napoleon takes control

    Napoleon takes control
    Napoleon's troops sorrounded the national legislature and drove out most of its members. Napoleon took the title of first consul and assumed the power of a dictator.
  • War

    Forces united to take Napoleon from power. Once again Napoleon rode from Paris at the head of his troops . As a result later the 3 nation singed a peace agreement.
  • Napoleon New Constitution

    Napoleon New Constitution
    A new constitution gave all the real power to Napolean as first consul. He set-up tax collection & ineffiency. He dismissed corrupt officials in order to provide the goverment with trained officials he set lycees for men only. He signed an agreement with Pope Pius VII. This result as a new relationship between church & state.
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    in 1789, when the ideas of the Revolution reached the planters in Saint Domingue, they demanded that the National Assembly give them the same privalages as the people of France. The enslaved Africans demanded the same. In 1801 Napoleon decided to take back the colony and restore its sugar industry.

    Napoleon sold the territories of Louisiana to the United States; Pesident Jefferson at the time, for 15 million dollars.
  • Napoleon as Emperor

    Napoleon as Emperor
    Napoleon decided to make himself emperor and the French voters supported him. Dressed in splendid robe of purple velvet. He walked down the aisle of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
    The pope waited for him with the crown in his hands and Napoleon took the crown and put it in his own head.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    In his drive for European empire, Napoleon los only this battle. This naval defeat, however mas more importante than all his victories on land. The battle took place in the southwest coast of Spain. Horatio Nelson, in a bold manuever, he split the larger French fleet, captuaring many ships. The destruction of the fleet had 2 major results:
    1. It ensured the suprmecy of the British navy for the next 100 years.
    2. Forced Napoleon to give up his plan of invading Britan.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    Napoleon set up a blockade to prevent all trade and communication between Great Brittan and other European nations. This was supposed to make the continent more self-sufficient, Napoleon also intented to destreoy Great Britains comercial and industrial economy. But Great Brittan responded with a better navy and a better blockade, France was the one that came out loosing.
  • The Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War
    In effort to get Portugal to accept the Continental System he sent an invasion force through Spain. The Spanish people protested this action, Napoleon removed the Spanish king and put his brother Joseph. Spanish peasents fighters started guerrillas. They attacted Napoleon's army and Napoleon couldnt win in an open batlle. He lost about 3000,000 man. Great Brittan also sent their men.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon and his grand army of more than 420,000 soldiers marched into Russia. As he advanced, Alexander pulled back his troops refusing to be lured into an unequal battle. On his retreat the Russians made a scrched earth policy. The weather was cold and they had nothing to eat so they were weak by the time they arrivied in Moscow, but the Russians surprised them with an attack, they returned with only 10,000 soldiers.
  • Battle of Borodino

    Battle of Borodino
  • Napoleon Suffers Defeat

    Napoleon Suffers Defeat
    Napoleon raised another army in a few months. abaut they were untrained. He faced armies of the European powers outside the German city. They were deafeated.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    A serious of meetings in Vienna to set up policies to achieve one collective security and stability for the entire continent. VIEW: EXPLENATION!
  • Containtment of France

    Containtment of France
    • The former Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic were united to form the kingdom of the Netherlands
    • A group of 39 German states were loosley joined as the newly created German Confederation, dominated by Austria
    • Switzerland recognized as an independet nation *Kingdom of Sardinia in Italy was strenghthened by the addition og Genoa.
  • Napoleon defeated

    Napoleon defeated
    He accepted the terms of surrender and gave up his throne. The victors gave him a small pension and exiled him to Elba. Louis 18 took the throne but quickly became unpopular among his subjects, especially peasants.
  • Balance of Power

    Balance of Power
    France remained a major but diminiched European power. But no country could easily overpower another in Europe.
  • Legitamicy

    *The great powers affirmed that as many as possible of the rulers that Napoleon had driven from power their thrones be restored to power.

    *In late 1815, Czar Alexander and Francis I & King Fredrick signed an agreement called the Holly Alliance. They pledge to base their relations with other nations on Christian principales in order to combat the forces of revolution and finally the Concert of Europe(ensured nation would help one another in case of a revolution). France was really politicaly divided anfter the French Rev. The people were happy with the monarchy of Louis XVIII.
  • Long term legacy

    Long term legacy
    The Congress of Vienna left a long legacy that would inlfuence world politics for the next 100 years.
    It diminiched the power of Francia
    Britan and Prussia increased
    Nationalism began spreeding in Italy, Germany, Greece, and other areas that the congress had put under foregien
    Spanish colonies brooked away from Spain
    More people saw democracy as the best way to ensure equality and justice for all.
    A new era BEGAN !!!!
  • 100 days

    100 days
    Louis troubles was all the incentive Napoleon needed to regain power. He escaped from Elba and landed in France. Joyous crowds welcomed him on the march to Paris. Within days he was emperor again. In response allies formed to take him off power again.
  • Last of Napoleon

    Last of Napoleon
    Napoleon attacked. The British army defended its ground all day. Later the Prussian army arrieved. Together they attacked the French and they gave away but they chased them from the field. Taking no chances this time they exiled him in Santa Helena he was there for 6 years but later died of stomach ailment.
  • Napoleon died on may 5 1821

    Napoleon died on may 5 1821