
The Evolution of Canada's Global Involvement

  • Canada and the United Nations

    Canada and the United Nations
    Canada joins the United Nations along with 50 other countries at the San Fransisco Confrence.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Canadian John Peters Humphery was the primary authory for the fundamental Declaration by the United Nations.
  • Canada Joins the Korean War

    Canada Joins the Korean War
    Canada sends 25,000 troopers into the Korean War where 300 troopers died and 1143 wounded.
  • Canada and the United States establishes NORAD

    Canada and the United States establishes NORAD
    NORAD was establishedas a response to provide arial defence against the possible Soviet long-range nuclear bomb attacks.
  • Canada Participates in a Mission of Peace in Cyprus

    Canada Participates in a Mission of Peace in Cyprus
    Canada aided with the establishment of peace betweent the Greeks and Turks of the island.
  • United Nations Emergency Forces II

    United Nations Emergency Forces II
    Canada sends troopers to help supervise the feud against Egyptian and Israeli forces.
  • Canada and the Kyoto Protocal

    Canada and the Kyoto Protocal
    Canada signs the Kyoto Accord for the purpose of reducing international greenhouse gas emmisions in order to control climate change.
  • Nelson Mandela visits Canada

    Nelson Mandela visits Canada
    Nelson Mandela visits Canada for the third time with hime wife Graa Machel and named an honorary citizen in recognition for his "great moral leadership to South Africa and to all humanity."
  • United Nations and Canada's mission in Liberia

    United Nations and Canada's mission in Liberia
    Canada sends troopers to aid with the implementation of the ceasefire sgreement and the peace process.
  • Canada's Operation Plateau

    Canada's Operation Plateau
    Canada resoponed to the 7.1 earthquake that struck Pakistan, DART (disaster assistance response team) helped distribute 500 tonnes of humanitarian supplies.
  • Canada's DART Aids Myanmar's Devastating Cyclone

    Canada's DART Aids Myanmar's Devastating Cyclone
    Canada sends DART and many Red Cross Volunteers following a devastating cyclone with nutrition, shelter, medical and emotional support.
  • Canada Aids with Typhoon Haiyan

    Canada Aids with Typhoon Haiyan
    Canada aids with the humanitarian crisis of typoon Haiyan killing thousands of people and injuring millions. Canada was able to reach out to thousands with food, hygiiene kits, shelter items and assist with financial support.
  • Canada and the Nepal Earthquake

    Canada and the Nepal Earthquake
    Canada provided $23 million dollars in humanitarian assistance. DART provides numerous humanitarian support such as treatin more than 700 Nepalese, distributing 75 water filtration units and clearing more than 3,000 cubic meters of rubble.