
The Dreyfus Affair

By wreid
  • French Army Captain Alfred Dreyfus is convicted of treason

    Dreyfus was found guilty of selling military secrets to Germany. sentenced to life on Devil's Island.
  • Intelligence Officer discovers forged documents

    The documents used to convict Dreyfus are found to be forged. Officer requests for Dreyfus's release and is denied by the Dept. of War.
  • Left-winged french ask for Dreyfus's release

    They believe in his innocence.
  • Right-winged french fight against Dreyfus's release

    Many left winged french believed that time should not be wasted on his ase that the time shoulb be spen on the econmy.
    many of them also discouraged it due to the fact Dreyfus was Jewish and they were known to be Anti-Semitic.
  • Dreyfus is pardoned and released from Devil's Island

  • Found Innocent By the French Supreme Court

  • Seperation of church and state in France

    Legislation was passed due to the conflict in France.