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  • Jul 24, 1453

    The Old Regime

    The Old Regime
    The old regime started, a political, economical, juridical and social system of France. France was a monarchy under the old regime. Under the regime, everyone was a subject of the king of France as well as a member of an estate and province. The France Revolution would eventually end with it.
  • The reign of Charles IV started

    The reign of Charles IV started
    Charles IV’s kingdom lasted until 1808, when trough the “Abdications of Bayonne” Napoleon cheated on him and made his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, the new king of Spain.
  • The France Revolution

    The France Revolution
    The French Revolution took place in 1789; the people and the bourgeoisie united against the Old Regime. Its principles were freedom, equality and fraternity. They managed to put an end to the estate society, absolutism and the power of the church. [Link]https://www.history.com/topics/france/french-revolution
  • Manuel Godoy became first minister

    Manuel Godoy became first minister
    Manuel Godoy became the first minister at the age of 21. He proposed a reformist policy.
    [Link] https://www.britannica.com/biography/Manuel-de-Godoy
  • Defeat of Trafalgar

    Defeat of Trafalgar
    In 1805 the Defeat of Trafalgar took place, in which England defeated Spain and Portugal and caused the rupture of trade between Spain and America. This was the first failure Napoleon ecer had.
    [Link] https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Trafalgar-European-history
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    After the Defeat of Trafalgar, England gained a lot of power, so Napoleon isolated them in order to achieve a drop in power. Napoleon made a secret pact with Godoy, called the "Treaty of Fontainebleau" to allow French troops to pass through Spain in order to invade Portugal, in exchange for a part of the country, since Portugal refuses to invade England. But finally the French troops ended up "peacefully" invading some Spanish cities.
  • Aranjuez Mutiny

    Aranjuez Mutiny
    After the advance of the troops through Spain, the royal family decided to flee, with a first stop in Aranjuez, where the "Aranjuez Mutiny" took place, a popular rebellion supported by Fernando VII to force his father to abdicate; It was a failed coup attempt.
    [Link] https://visitworldheritage.com/en/eu/the-mutiny-of-aranjuez/1bdf5868-1860-40f9-9ed6-8be58985429e
  • War of Independence

    War of Independence
    The War of Independence began on May 2, 1808 and ended in 1814.
    -Patriotic War: People vs the invading Army
    -Civil: “Afrancesados” ​​(led by José Bonaparte) vs Absolutists (led by Fernando VII and England)
    -International: France vs. England in Spain and Portugal.
    [Link] https://www.google.es/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjuhs758ub6AhWW_4UKHd8iDKcQtwJ6BAgMEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DM9phd8FU6IA&usg=AOvVaw0RGG9f-Gb5p5TdopGY1p7J
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    Napoleon, under the guise of helping them to reach an agreement, gathered the royal family in Bayonne, where "The Abdications of Bayonne" took place. What Napoleon actually did was first, he ordered Fernando VII to recognize his father as king, second, he forced Charles IV to abdicate in favor of Napoleon, and third, Napoleon abdicated in favor of his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, who became the new king of Spain.
  • Constitution of 1812

    Constitution of 1812
    The Cortes of Cadiz were created, in order to create a liberal constitution and end with the Old Regime. They created the Constitution of 1812, which established liberalism for the first time in Spain. The bases of liberalism were:
    -National sovereignty (the people have the power)
    -Separation of powers (legislative, executive and judicial)
    -Parliamentary monarchy
    - Legal equality among all citizens
    -Census suffrage
    -Catholicism (official religion)
    -Centralism (legislation unified by all regions)
  • End of the Constitution of 1812

    End of the Constitution of 1812
    Fernando VII abolished the Constitution of 1812 and began a repression against French people and liberals.
  • Absolutist six-year term

    Absolutist six-year term
    69 deputies call for a return to absolutism and the Old Regime through the "Manifesto of the Persians" and repress the liberals.
  • Liberal triennium

    Liberal triennium
    Attempt to return to liberalism through coups, but all failed, except Colonel Riego, who came to power.
    Colonel Riego: -Forces Fernando VII to accept the Constitution of 1812
    -Establish liberal laws
    -Forcing the acceptance of various political parties
    -Freedom of the press…
  • Ominous decade

    Ominous decade
    “The 100,000 sons of Saint Louis” appeared, an army sent by the European absolutist powers to restore absolutism. They exiled and shot many Liberals, including Colonel Riego, and finally succeeded in re-establishing absolutism and abolishing the Liberal reforms.
    [Link] https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Ominous_Decade
  • Queen Isabel II

    Queen Isabel II
    Fernando VII had problems with the succession. He married María Cristina de Borbón in 1829 and in 1830 they had a daughter named Isabel. At that time, the "Salic law" established that a woman could not reign, so Fernando VII created the "Pragmatic Sanction" that allowed a woman to reign. Elizabeth finally became queen of Spain in 1833, at the age of 3, with her mother as regent (the mother rules until her daughter comes of age).
  • Carlist wars

    Carlist wars
    Fernando's younger brother, Charles, was not satisfied with the new law, "Pragmatic Sanction", and proclaimed the throne; what started the Carlist wars.
    [Link] https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/carlist-wars.html