Significant Time Periods

  • 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    During medieval times, the Black Death hit regions all over the world. More specifically, Europe. This was fatal for the continent, spreading like wildfire. Unfortunately, 1/3 of entire population perished. The weight of this event is extremely impactful, paving the road for modern society to exist. For example, churches influence decreased significantly less compared to the beginning. People turned away from Christianity, to promoting the process of what it is to a human being AKA, humanism.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The Printing Press is one of the most influential pieces of technology ever invented. This innovation was created by Johannes Gutenberg, a professional goldsmith in the mid-1400s. The importance this design had on humankind is exceptionally significant. This phenomenal tool gave today's age the way of communicating and spreading information all over the world. Without this essential piece of technology, the world wouldn't be as advanced as it is today.
  • 1451

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    During the age of exploring the "new world," a person notoriously talked about is Christopher Columbus. Born on 1451 in Genoa, Italy, he was one of the first people to discover our beloved home, America. As a result of Columbus finding this newly found geography, civilians in Europe were able to migrate to this foreign land, to make it their own. This was a crucial turning point for America to become established.
  • 1495

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Created during the Renaissance by Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper is one of the most famous pieces not only in religion, but the world! This was an oil-based painting, commissioned by Duke Ludovico Sforza. Despite struggling to remain intact, the primary purpose was to show Christ in the center, with his companions to the side for the last meal. If you look closer, Jesus is shown lighter compared to the others surrounding him in a darker shadow. This is to indicate Christ's importance.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Designed in 1503 by Leonardo Da Vinci, the Mona Lisa is looked at in a great shed of light. Originating during the Renaissance period, this piece is known as the "the best known, the most visited" in the world. The magnitude the Mona Lisa has had on art culture is tremendous. Simplicity would define what's looked at on the surface. However, underneath, Leonardo's painting techniques were amazing to lure in an audience, which really attracted people to this specific creation.
  • 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther's 95 Theses
    In a brief overview, Martin Luther's 95 theses was 95 reasons why people should not purchase indulgences. In Luther's eyes, this form of payment was not only deceiving, but false. Only a person(s) relationship with God could get you into heaven. As a result of Luther standing up to the church, people worldwide state their opinion on certain matters. Although some suffer consequences for being vocal, his or her perspective can make a tremendous influence on those with similar beliefs.
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Elizabeth I
    Commonly associated with having the title, the 'Virgin Queen,' Queen Elizabeth I is known as one of the most famous monarchs of the time. Elizabeth defied the norms of the period of being a female leader without a partner nor heir to rule beside her was looked down upon, yet it became her greatest achievement. Although Elizabeth came from a difficult past, the significance Queen Elizabeth had was major on the way society looks at woman in power.
  • Galileo's Telescope

    Galileo's Telescope
    One of Galileo's famous improvements to date, the telescope, was a major contribution to current-day technology. This discovery would define the way we look at science in a whole new light. Galileo seen Jupiter has four moons rotating around it. This gave him the evidence to back up his theory, Earth isn't the center of the world. This was remarkably one of the biggest discoveries to date. From this hypothesis being correct, many scientists used Galileo's conclusion to prove their own theories.