
The Battle of Britain

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany broke the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact of 1934 of not claiming anymore land from other countries.
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany

    Two days after the invasion of Poland the British Empire declares war on Germany
  • Operation Sealion takes Affect

    The planned invasion of Britain by Hitler because of the Air Superiority of the Germans
  • The Luftwaffe starts attacking RAF bases

    Because of the Luftwaffe attacting Britain this drew the RAF into ariel combat.
  • The Kanalkampf

    The German air force began running flights over the Channel, occasionally dive-bombing cargo ships. Protecting the convoys took a huge toll on British resources and on pilots. The convoys had to re-routed to avoid the Channel. Attacks on convoys continued until August 12, 1940.
  • Adlerangriff

    Germany began their main raids across Britain, codenamed Adlerangriff or 'Eagle Attack’. This was a systematic assault on radar stations and fighter airfields in Britain.
  • "The Greatest Day"

    The largest number of attacks of the Battle occurred on the 15th and 16th of August. These concentrated on RAF airfields. This was also known as ‘Black Thursday’ for the Luftwaffe.
  • "The Hardest Day"

    Both sides saw their largest losses during the battle. Airfields in the South and South-East were bombed, with Kenley particularly badly damaged. August 8 -18 the RAF lost 175 aircraft, and the Luftwaffe 332 aircraft.
  • Bombing of Aircraft Factories Began

    Bombing attacks began on aircraft factories.
  • Churchill Gives His Famous Speech to Parliament

    Churchill Gives His Famous Speech to Parliament
    Churchill Gives His Famous Speech to Parliament in which he said "never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few."
  • Attacks were ordered on RAF airfields and residential neighborhoods

    Attacks were ordered on RAF airfields. Bombs were also dropped over residential areas of London
  • Heaviest losses at Debden airfield

    Fighter Command suffered its heaviest losses at Debden airfield. It was hit by 100 bombs.
  • The Blitz Began

    Germany put Operation S.E.A. L.I.O.N. into effect
  • The Assault switched to London

    The assaults were switched to massive attacks on London, other major cities, aircraft factories and other strategic targetsin Britain. The Luftwaffe switched to night bombing to avoid the large numbers of fighters countering day raids.
  • Period: to

    The Blitz

    Almost every night London was bombed by Nazis
  • Massive Attacks on London

    A massive attack on London ensued depite efforts by the RAF. From this point the Luftwaffe were forced to gradually scale down their attacks.
  • Unternehmen Seelöwe called off

    Unternehmen Seelöwe or Operation Sealion called off. This was the land invasion of Britain
  • Operation Sealion Postponed

  • The last great effort of the German Bombers

    The last great effort of the German bombers were five planned raids.
  • The Final Day of the Battle of Britain

    Even though bombing would continue for couple of years this was the last time there was continous bombing of Britain.
  • The Luftwaffe retreats

    The Blitz stops and the Luftwaffe retreats.