Unknown 12

The Age of Napoleon

By hanos
  • Napoleons Birth

    Napoleons Birth
    Napoleon is born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, France.
  • Start of the French Revolution

    Start of the French Revolution
    The French revolution begun as the third estate became very unhappy becasue of the unfair way that they were treated. The third estate was locked out of the Estate- General meeting that they had been anticipating, as they were forced to meet in a nearby tennis-court as the took the Tennis-Court Oath. The Oath stated that thethird estate would stay together and meet wherever they could until a written constitiution was established.
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    The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror occured between September 5, 1793 and July 28, 1794. The Reign of Terror was led by the Comittee of Public Saftey that controlled all of society in order to inflict fear upon the citizens and make sure that the society ran smoothly. The committe of Public Saftey was ran by Maximillien Robespierre. After the end of the Reign of Terror, Napoleon took charged and reenstated laws in order to create a more stable government.
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    The Battle of Toulon

    The battle took place between September 7, 1793, and December 19, 1793. Prior to the battle on August 28, 1793 the city of Toulon turned itself over to the Borubons. Napoleon and his soldiers fought hard to liberate Toulon as they eventually did so by gaining enterance to the fort of Malbosquet and taking control of the cannons
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    Egyptian Campaign

    Starting on May 19, 1798 Napoleon travles with his troops to Egypt in attempts to disrupt british trades. A series of battles take place as Napoleon attempted to disrupt british tades, he failed as the Egyptian Campaign turned out to be a disaster. The French were defeated by the British as they lost several war ships as they returned home on August 23, 1799.
  • 18 Brumaire Coup

    18 Brumaire Coup
    The coup d'etat in which Napoleon overthrew the French Directory and replaced it with the French Consulate, in which the five Directors resigned thus causing the Directiry to end. The Jacobins directors still would not resign, and were eventually arested, thus enabling Napoloen to carry out his actions. The French Consulate was the goverment that was in control of France from 1799 to 1804. Napoleon ws one of the three Consuls of the government during this time.
  • First Consul for Life Plebiscite

    First Consul for Life Plebiscite
    On August 2, 1802, Napoleon is declared Consul for Life. Napoleon was the cheif officer of the consul in which he controlled the French Republic. The way that Napoleon beacme First Consul for life was due to a plebiscite, or vote, that was taken in order to decide if he were to become the First Consul for Life. People voted in favor of Napoleon as he was declared First Consul For Life
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic Code was the set of laws that were established by Napoleon in the year 1804. The Napoleonic code was written by a comission of four jourists who then published it on March 21, 1804. Some of the laws that were included in the Napoleonic code include freedom of speech, equality before law, and the abolishment of feudalism.
  • Napoleon's Coronation

    Napoleon's Coronation
    Napoleon was crowned Emporer of France on December 2, 1804. The senate forst offered Napoleon the title of emporer in March, 1804. A grand coronation ceremony took place at 9 a.m. in the morning. It took place at the Notre-Dame cathedreal. The cermeony lasted 3 hours. The crown that Napoleon used during the corination cermeony was the Charlemagne Crown.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    On October 21, 1805, Admiral Lord Neslon defats Napoleon and his cmbined French and Spanish fleet. A 5-hour battle occured in which the British defeated 19 of the enemy ships as many people on both sides of the battle were killed. The battle was fought off the coast of spain as Napoleon was defeated but Nelson fails to survive as he dies before the battle ends.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    On December 2, 1805, the French Empire destroyed the Third Coalition in which the French destroyed an Russo-Austrian army near Austerlitz. As the Russian army was defeated, this allowed the Third Coalition to be brought to an end. The third Coalition was the third alliance formed between Prussia, England, Austria, Russia and Sweden in order to prevent the contires from being taken over by Napoleon. The Treaty of Pressburg was also signed as a result from the battle.
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    Continental System

    The continental system was enstated by Napoleon in attemps to defeat Britan. He did this by causing his empire to not allow Britsh ships to dock on the pots of their mainland. He convinced the Russians, Austrians, and Prussians to take part in this system as well. This caused not only Britan to struggle, but the empires that were a part of the continental system were deprived of British goods.
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    Peninsular War

    The peninisular war was fought by France between the years of 1808 and 1814 against Great Britain, Portugal, Spanish regulars, and Spanish guerrillas. This war contributed to Napoleons downfall in which France was defeated towards the end of the war by Arthur Wellesley and the Britsh force. The war occured due to the fact that the kingdoms, countries, and people fighting in the war all wanted to gain contorl of the iberian peninsula.
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    Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon led 600,000 troops into Russia in atemps to travel to Moscow in order to take over Moscow. The reason why Napoleon travled into Russia is because Russia had backed out of the cntinentail system. NApoleons plan was to travle into Russia with his troops and stop along the way in order to take over towns to gather food and shelter. The Russians heard of this and burned everything in their towns (food, shelter, crops) and heaed east, making it extremely hard for the troops to survive.
  • Retreat From Moscow

    Retreat From Moscow
    As Napoleon and his troops arrive in Moscow, there is nobody in Moscow. He finally leads his troops out of Moscow on October 19, 1812 because he realizes that his troops would not be able to survive the winter there. Napoleon and his troops struggled to get home beacause of the extremenly harsh weather and attacks on the troops. Many soldiers died during this time.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    Napoleon and the French army fought against the armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden in the year of 1813. Due to this battle, the power of the French in Germany and Poland was destroyed. The battle took place at Leipzig in Saxony as Napoleon and his troops retreated as many French troops were then wonded and trapped in Leipzig due to the blowing up of the Bridge that Napoleon was retreating over.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    On April 11, 1814, Napoleon is exiled to the mediterrainean island of Elba. After Napolean's invasion of Russia and Moscow failed, many countires in Europe untited to fight against him. Napolean resigned on the year 1814 and was exiled and sent to the island of Elba because his idea of his son becoimg emporer was rejected by the people of Europe.
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    Hundred Days

    After Napolean escaped form the island of Ebla after being exiled in 1814, he returns to France and gathers up more troops in order to attack England, Austria and Prussia. England, Austria, and Prussia then team up to fight Napoelon. During this time, the king, Louis XVIII flees as power is reinstated to Napoleon for 100 days.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The battle of Waterloo took place on June 18, 1815 as the British and French faught against one another throughout the day. Napoleon led his troops north in order to defeat the British and Prussian armies as the battle took place in Waterloo. The Prussians arrived during the battle as they were sided with the British. This caused Naploeon to retreat and flee back to Paris for there was no way that he would be able to win the battle.
  • Exile to St. Helena

    Exile to St. Helena
    On June 22, 1815, Napoleon was exiled for the second time to the island of St. Helena that was located in the mid altalntic. Napoleon was exiled after he had been defeated in the battle of Waterloo, as he lived out the rest of his days as a prisoner on the island.
  • Napoleon's Death

    Napoleon's Death
    Napoleon died on May 5, 1821, in Longwood St. Helena.