
The Age of Napoleon

By juchu
  • Napoleon Is Born

    Napoleon Is Born
    He is the second of the eight children. His parents are Carlo Bonaparte and Maria Letizia Bonaparte. He was born in Ajaccio, France.
  • The Start of the French Revolution

    The Start of the French Revolution
    This date is the start of the French Revolution and when Bastille was raided on.
  • Battle of Toulon

    Battle of Toulon
    The battle of Toulon took place on the Mediterranean off the coast of Toulon, France.
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    The Reign of Terror

    This was the period of terror and violence for the people for France.About 16,000 to 40,000 people were killed during this time span.
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    Egyptian Campaign

    The Egyptian Campaign was to protect the French trade industry against England.
  • 18 Brumaire Coup

    18 Brumaire Coup
    The 18 Brumaire Coup promoted General Napoleon Bonaparte to power as the First Consul of France.
  • First Consul for Life Plebiscite

    First Consul for Life Plebiscite
    At this time Napoleon was named the First Consul for Life.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon established a cival code which forbade privileges from birth. It also allowed freedom of religion, and made government jobs go to the most qualified.
  • Napoleons Coronation

    Napoleons Coronation
    Napoleons coroncation took place at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. He became Emperor of the French.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    Took place on Cape Trafalgar on the Spanish coast. This war was between England vs. French and Spain. This war was led by Nelson vs. Nepoleon.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    This war was between France and Russia. The war was located in Austerlitz, Moravia, Austrian Empire. The french won the war later on.
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    Continental System

    The Britains where blocking trade from Eurpoe. So Napoleon would be weak and they wouldn' be attacked.
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    Peninsula War

    The war was between France, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Portugal for control of the Iberian Peninsula. This was during the Napoleonic wars.
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    Invasion of Russia

    The French Empire against the Russian Empire. Napoleon wanted to go to Moscow, Russia to demand them to help Europe.
  • Retreat from Moscow

    Retreat from Moscow
    After marching into Mocow they found the city to be in flames so they retreated back home away from Russais cold winter tempatures.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    The battle was fought in Leipzig, Saxony. This caused Napoleon to loose control of the territories east of the Rhine.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    Napoleon ruled Elba and truely tried to improve Elba.
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    Hundred Days

    Is When Emperor Napoleon of France returns from exile on Elba to when the restoration of King Lous XVIII.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    This battle is between France vs.United Kingdom, Netherlands, Hanover, Nassau, Brunswick and Prussia. They wanted to defeat Napoleon.
  • Exile to St Helena

    Exile to St Helena
    Napoleon was imprisoned to St Helena.
  • Napoleons Death

    Napoleons Death