20th anniversary

The 12 most important things that have happened to me

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in Princeton, NJ on October 26, 1999.
  • I went to a new school

    I went to a new school
    I went to Solomon Schechter for the 1st time for pre-k.
  • My little brother was born

    My little brother was born
    My little brother, Eli, was born May 27, 2005 int Princeton,New Jersey.
  • My Dad's 40th Birthday

    My Dad's 40th Birthday
    My dad turned 40, which is a very big birthday in someone's life.
  • My first baseball team

    My first baseball team
    I played on a baseball team for the 1st time when I was 6. I was on the Marlins.
  • A special number birthday for my mom

    A special number birthday for my mom
    My mom turned this a special age on April 14, 2006.
  • I lost my 1st tooth

    I lost my 1st tooth
    I lost my first tooth on the car ride to Montreal, Canada, for a vaction.
  • I learned to read

    I learned to read
    I learned to read in the begging of kindergarden.
  • My brother's bar mitzvah

    My brother's bar mitzvah
    My brother had his bar mitzvah when he was 13, at The Princeton Jewish Center.
  • Walk-off Homerun ball

    Walk-off Homerun ball
    I was in Boston for a vacation with my family. I was at a baseball game at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts where the Redsox played the Whitesox. My seat were in the right-field bleechers. The game was tied 2-2 in the bottom of the ninth and David Ortiz was up at-bat. He hit a homerun that hit off my brother and the person sitting next to him's gloves and bounced towards my mom and I. It rolled off my mom's lap and fell onto the ground and I picked it up. The Redsox won!
  • My parents 20th anniversiry

    My parents 20th anniversiry
    My parents had their 20th anniversiry on April 1st, 2010. They have been married since 1990
  • My baseball team won the championship

    My baseball team won the championship
    It was the Navy Blue Seals agaisnt the Red team. The Navy team had a pitcher named Michael, who was one of the bests on the team but wasn't known for pitching. Michael pitched the whole game and only gave up one hit-a homerun. the final score of the game was 3-1 and the Navy team had won. the game ended on the teams first double-play of the season.