Technology Research Table

  • Period: to

    Timeline for Technology

  • Refrigerator

    The refrigerator was made to store cold food inside it. It is also used to put things that can melt such as ice creams. The refrigerator can also be used to put things that can get spoilt easily.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Sewing Machines are used to sew cloths together. It is also used to make clothing such as dresses, t-shirts, etc. Sewing machines are also an easier way to sew things together. It isn't too tiring to do and it is faster than sewing by hand.
  • Telephone

    The Phone is used to call someone if you need to tell them something in a far distance.
  • Vacuun Cleaner

    Vacuun Cleaner
    Vacuum Cleaners are used for when you need to clean the floor quicker and to clean the dust from the floor.
  • Cable Car

    Cable Car
    Cable Cars are used for going from one place to another with something like a cart on a wire to go to the other side of somewhere.
  • Microphone

    Microphones are used for making your voice louder when you need to speak to a lot of people in one room. If you don’t have the microphone then people might not be able to hear you clearly.
  • Electric Fan

    Electric Fan
    Electric fans are used when it is very hot and you are too tired to fan yourself. The Electric fan blows air to you and makes you cool.
  • Motor Cycle

    Motor Cycle
    Motor cycles are used when you have to drive somewhere and when you don’t need a car. It is also very useful in traffic jams because since the motor cycle is thin, you can go through gaps between cars.
  • Dishwasher

    The dishwasher is used for when you have no time to wash your dishes by hand. The dish washer washes the dirty dishes.
  • Remote Control (TV)

    Remote Control (TV)
    Remote controls are used for controlling the channels of the TV. It is also easier to change the channels instead of going over to the TV and changing it.