Atomic bomb

Technological Advances During the Cold War

  • Trinity

    As a part of the Manhattan Project, America creates the first Atomic bomb, nicknamed the Trinity. This was the first nuclear device be tested. The Trinity was tested at the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range, in New Mexico.
  • RDS-1/First Lightning/Joe 1

    RDS-1/First Lightning/Joe 1
    The RDS-1 was the first Atomic Bomb devolped by the Soviet Union. The RDS-1 was tested on the Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR, The RDS-1 was also known as the 'First Lightning' and was given the nickname of Joe 1 by the United States- as well as the rest of Soviet Unions weapons. (This was a reference to Joseph Stalin)
  • 'Mike' Device

    'Mike' Device
    America had devolped the first Hydrogen Bomb. This was nicknamed the 'Mike' Divice as part of Operation Ivy and was led by Edward Teller. On November 1, 1952, Mike Divice was tested on Enewetak, in the Pacific Ocean.
  • RDS-6s/Joe 4

    RDS-6s/Joe 4
    The Soviet Union created their first mock Hydrogen Bomb, called the RDS-6s. The Bomb was to small to be considered a full Hydrogen bomb, but unlike America's Hydrogen Bombs at the time, the RDS-6s was small enough to be deployed easily. The RDS-6s was tested in Semipalatinsk Test Site in the Kazakh SSR.
  • Castle Bravo

    Castle Bravo
    The Castle Bravo was an American Hydrogen Bomb, which became the most powerful weapon to be tested in the United States. The Castle Bravo was dropped over Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, After-effects of the bomb spread past the testing sight and began to affect civilians. This began to worry others of the negitive effects of testing.
  • RDS-37

    Following the devolpment of America's first two-stage atomic bomb, the Soviet Union recreated their own staged weapon. The bomb was dropped through the air over Semipalatinsk Test Site, Kazakhstan, killing three people.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Sputnik 1 was the first man-made satellite, orbiting the Earth. The Sputnik 1 was created by the Soviet Union, and was placed low enough to be seen from Earth. The launch of Sputnik 1 worried the United States and this began the Space Race. Since then the Sputnik 1 burned up on January 4 of 1958.
  • Explorer 1/ 1958 Alpha 1

    Explorer 1/ 1958 Alpha 1
    The Explorer 1 was the first American man-made satellite launched into orbit in responce to the Sputnik 1 and 2. It was launched from Cape Canaveral Missile Annex, Florida, and stayed in orbit until 1970.
  • Tsar Bomba/JOE 111/Kuz'kina Mat'

    Tsar Bomba/JOE 111/Kuz'kina Mat'
    The Tsar Bomba was an atomic bomb created by the Soviet Union and tested at Sukhoy Nos. The Tsar Bomba remains as the most powerful explosive weapon to be created. Only one copy of the bomb has been created, other than a mock copy.