Story of Pp's Life

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    Pip's Life

  • Pip Meets Convict

    Pip is confronted by the convict near his home and the marshes. The convict makes Pip bring him a file and some food from his house. Pip does this, and then Pip later sees the convict get caught with another convict.
  • Pip Meets Ms. Havisham and Estella

    Pip goes to play with Estella at Ms. Havisham's house. He later meets Estella outside of the house and she makes him cry. This confrontation leads Pip to want to become a gentleman, putting everything else behind him.
  • Pip goes to London

    Pip leaves his home and his family to go to London. He meets Mr. Jaggers and meets Herbert, or the pale gentleman, as well.
  • Mrs. Joe Dies

    This is when Pip has become very close friends with Herbert. He recieves a letter saying that Mrs. Joe has passed away that evening, and that he was invited to the wedding.
  • Pip meets Convict- Second time

    Pip find the Convict, or later known as Able Magwitch, outside of his doorstep. Herbert comes in and MAgwitch tells them his story about getting into jail and as being Pip's benifactor
  • Convict is Captured and Dies

    Magwitch is caught and put into jail. Pip visits him everyday, until the day when Magwith dies. Pip tells Magwitch that Estella is his daughter and that he is in love with her
  • Joe and Biddy are Married/ Estella Comes Back

    In the end of the novel, Joe and Biddy are married. Pip visits them, and late learns that they named their son after him. Estella meets Pip and asks him for forgiveness, and we see them as being friends until the very end.
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    Tim's Life