Start of a new Government

  • 1311

    Drop in Sources

    Other nations cut the supplies of this nation for not going into the war.
  • Feb 17, 1312

    Self Destruction

    This nation did not yet have a government, and since people had different looks on if they should join war or not, they fought each other.
  • 1314

    King Hared Bunn

    King Bunn stopped the fighting and brought the nation together, then forming a government called democracy.
  • 1314


    King Hared formed laws and ruled within the government for the people to abide by, he was selfless and expected nothing from the people
  • 1315

    The War

    The war continuing when the king enteredthe nation. His ideas stopped the war and opened up supplies to the nation again.
  • 1320

    New times

    King Hared got too old, ending in the ritual of the people choosing a new leader themselves.