
Stalin's Russia.

  • 1905 Russian Revolution

    1905 Russian Revolution
    Revolution in Russia. Nicholas II announces constitutional reforms, and the creation of the Duma, or elected assembly. Stalin marries Yekaterina Svanidze.
  • Stalin appointed to Central Committee

    January 1912: ·Bolsheviks officially separate from Social Democrats, Stalin appointed to the Party's Central Committee by Lenin.
  • 1917 Russia Revolution

    1917 Russia Revolution
    ·Beginning of Russian Revolution. The Tsar's government falls, replaced with a Provisional Government. Bolsheviks, including Stalin, hasten to St. Petersburg
  • Bolsheviks seize power.

    Bolsheviks seize power.
    November 1917: ·Bolsheviks overthrow Provisional Government, seize power. Stalin plays only a minor role.
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    1918-1920: ·Civil war in Russia. Trotsky organizes Red Army.
  • USSR founded

    USSR founded
    1922: ·Official founding of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Stalin elected General Secretary

    Stalin elected General Secretary
    April 1922: ·Stalin elected General Secretary of the Communist Party
  • Lenins testament

    Lenins testament
    January 4, 1923: ·Lenin, in a postscript to his Testament, warns the Party to remove Stalin from his position of power.
  • Lenins death

    Lenins death
    January 21, 1924: ·Death of Lenin. Stalin survives the reading of the Testament by the Central Committee in May.
  • Stalin attacks Trotsky - beginning of the power struggle.

    Stalin attacks Trotsky - beginning of the power struggle.
    1924-25: ·Stalin publicly attacks Trotsky for being unfaithful to "Leninism."
  • Socialism in one country

    Socialism in one country
    December 1924: ·Stalin publicly articulates his theory of "Socialism in One Country."
  • Power struggle, allies with bukharin.

    Power struggle, allies with bukharin.
    December 1925: ·Allied with Bukharin and the "Rightists," Stalin begins attacks on Zinoviev.
  • 1926: ·Beginning of the first Five-Year Plan

    1926: ·Beginning of the first Five-Year Plan
  • 15th party congress

    15th party congress
    October-November 1926: ·At the Fifteenth Party Congress, Stalin attacks the "United Opposition" of Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Trotsky.
  • Kamenev and Zinoviev expelled

    Kamenev and Zinoviev expelled
    November 1927: ·Kamenev and Zinoviev expelled from the Party; Trotsky expelled and sent to Central Asia.
  • Bukharin removed from the Politburo

    Bukharin removed from the Politburo
  • Collectivisatiom begins

    Collectivisatiom begins
    December 1929: ·Stalin announces "liquidation of the kulaks as a class"; collectivization begins in earnest.
  • Famine

    1931-32: ·Terrible famine across the Soviet Union; millions die
  • Second Five Year Plan

    Second Five Year Plan
    til 1937
  • Beginning of the great terror

    Beginning of the great terror
    December 1, 1934: ·Murder, by Stalin's agents, of Sergei Kirov. Beginning of "Great Terror," which continues until 1938.
  • Zinoviev, Kamenev arrested over Kirovs murder

    Zinoviev, Kamenev arrested over Kirovs murder
    January 1935: ·Zinoviev, Kamenev, and others are arrested, accused of complicity in Kirov's assassination.
  • Trial of the Fifteen

    Trial of the Fifteen
    August 1936: ·First "Show Trial." Zinoviev, Kamenev, and their allies confess and are executed.
  • Third Five Year Plan

    Third Five Year Plan
  • Trial of the seventeen

    Trial of the seventeen
    March 1938: ·Third Show Trial, conviction and execution of Bukharin, Rykov, others.
  • 18th party congress

    18th party congress
    March 1939: ·At Eighteenth Party Congress, Stalin announces end of the Great Terror.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    August 23, 1939: ·Nazi-Soviet Pact is signed in Moscow
  • Outbreak of WW2

    Outbreak of WW2
    September 1939: ·Outbreak of World War II
  • Germany invade Russia

    Germany invade Russia
    June 21, 1941: ·Hitler invades Soviet Union
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    August 1942-February 1943: · Battle of Stalingrad. Germans are defeated, marking the turning point in the war.
  • Soviet control of Eastern Europe.

    Soviet control of Eastern Europe.
    February 1948: ·Communists seize power in Czechoslovakia, cementing Soviet control of Eastern Europe.
  • ·Sino-Soviet Treaty signed

    ·Sino-Soviet Treaty signed
  • Death of Stalin

    Death of Stalin